Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Turn Off Phone From Saying Veri

Trust is good, not to trust is worse

metodino I finally found a place to sleep. Two, in fact.
one found me, one with help.
But back to the gist of. Since I returned to Turin, I sleep little and badly. I have bad dreams (but this is not new), sometimes small anxieties, I have trouble concentrating. I do not read more, I can not. Executioner, who knows me knows that I read a lot, I have a new book every week, and different in content, style and genre from the previous one.
the evening to fall asleep, a method that acts is enough to put music on the iPhone, very low. I fall asleep even if it takes me a while '.
Second solution, proven this weekend, Melissa's mother tincture in water-alcohol solution. Just took the drops are coming into a state of relaxation that I did not know for some time. And I slept a fairy tale.
So I bought this mother tincture that tonight I rocked a little, in the absence of real pampering.
How is the course? Why you're wondering, is it? But is anyone still connected to this planet?
not understand that much, but go ahead. The relationship with my teammates is stable. In some cases turning into friendship. But can I trust? I follow my instincts. So who do I tell pieces of life and who does not. But only small pieces, it is necessary to maintain much of myself to myself. Have begun to be affectionate in their own way and I'm sure none of them but we want to try that after I make them a little 'tenderness. Maybe because of my recent past, the move, the state of mental disorder in which of course I am. Mental state tralaltro visible. By all smiling and staring at nothing but often it is that my mind goes a bit 'to his business.
But okay, okay.
I realized that I have an instinct of a fable, that I know who I can trust and who not, although I do not often do 'line. But perhaps I had already made.
I know that my pride is not always negative and often keeps me with his ears pricked just because it is closely related to my instincts. And then.
How many things I would like to write, how many things I understand, than they would understand. How many people do I need to keep clear to me how many and who are far away and I would rather close. Currently stationed in this limbo but I will not close any door. We'll see.

Song of the day: Purple Haze Jimi Hendrix


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