Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Experience Chest Pain In Copd

I write so many things. First there
always something to learn from life. For any bullshit that makes you stumble on time there is another one that lifts you mioddio. But it lifts you so much and maybe it makes you less uncertain the next step. I wish I could express all my feelings, I feel the shivers, smiles and tears of emotion. People who more or less unconsciously led me to revolutionize my plans, and unexpected situations that fortunate. I would really like, but there are no words. Do not exist.

That without music, which is the world? What is hell?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Welcome Letter For A New Physician Practice


two sticks, but right wand.
Roccio pointed out to me that I can not continue to fuck as well, which are older too, and I have to take a road (ah, endorphins, but that is happening to me? goes well, better, make me feel good). At first I was like an eel unfavorable marinade. Ie. SAY '. We want to talk about?
But after writing to vent my thoughts and impulsive after it canceled, well, I understand. I understand how difficult it was for him to tell me what "really" thought. It did not say that to hurt me or another but because it is so, even I know, he knows, everybody knows that is a dick who hates fancazzista grow. A search of the eternal Peter Pan's shadow. And so far I'm fine with it, eh?
Indeed, for as I knew him in these years must be something devastatingly difficult to try to approach in a whole new way with the world. So, bravo Rocco.
A little 'less nice Carla today that he had a test of OOP and who has not studied anything - and that's why rap is by Rocco - or, rather, something has leggiucchiato in the first two hours (where c' was to prepare the curriculum and mine is already decorated with bows) and then you can imagine how it'd end up. Evil, I think. Boys but I know that I should not exist in Java multiple inheritance, if not I talk to? Enough, I'm going to make a hairdresser. I will not have to think about my head, but only the head of others.
unexpected question: "Carla, but what do you men?" Reply obvious and stupid "Well tripped." But what questions are they?
In any case, my friends, that from now on I will call colleagues why I decided to change for the common good attitude towards them, they decided to call her aunt.
For the rest, hey, so good. As someone once said to me, have been manufactured to smile (and this is a lifetime warranty, guys). Therefore, I look forward without forgetting the way I did and I thank this calm that comes every afternoon to relax.
Oh I almost forgot the second rap. Our professor and head of course he points out how bad our attitude svaccato and relaxed and then what will be difficult during the internship maintain concentration if already in 6 hours in the brain die. And, of course, the Scazzi that pervades the classroom from the earliest hours of the morning. In fact, it is time to get an alarm. There promises, starting soon, one test per week, and a ruthless race in the lessons. I
foreshadowing a fierce race to repair holes in the huge spider web that I call "brain."

Song of the day: Tankard Empty Tankard

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Female Doctors Checking Penis

silent calm Hell and Heaven Rain

After the day, which seems to define a euphemism gritty of yesterday, now calm. I mean I slammed the endorphins in the body, and so today I went back to being the happy and bouncy pain in the ass ever. I have a serenity in the past I have tried only with weird chemicals and a desire to go any where, stay a moment, enjoy the moment, watching sunrise and return. Probably I would go to a place of sea, just to be alone to watch the horizon, the air kiss and dream.

The song of the day does not reflect this state, because unfortunately this morning I passed this stupid song and I is galloping in the head, I can not stop it. So romantic and video post dick, sorry:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Period Is 3 Days Late Cervix Is High

Today I touched a high enough level paranoia. To be honest I was nervous abbestia. I slapped my partner bench nerd, I wept with joy for my dear Alela that will live with (what I am sure it is) the love of his life, broke my board because I do not understand things. So this is my hell. The days of paranoia are unmanageable for me and those around me. Seeking confirmation and break it, when I give it are not enough, and then I calm down more and more I sweat. The brain runs wildly and coming: nausea, sweating, muscle aches-like. The somatizing women.
Managing the hell? Looking for paradise. And if there? Build it from scratch.
And if hell trying to get into heaven? I make him an ass like that.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Kat Von D Is Wearing

Yesterday was a wonderful day. A friend of mine came to visit me in Milan and the city was almost deserted. The sun warmed and brightened everything, and Turin was truly legendary.
The ride is always the same, one of the arcades, one of the center, what goes through the streets, one leading to the Mole. But the sun, good company, have made it incredibly peaceful heart.
So much so that we also have cross-Paolo Rossi in front of Palazzo Vecchio. Obviously I have not stopped or hailed or photographed, or anything. Shyness and respect. Ground Rules for Carla. So shoot straight, eyes of understanding (the series "I know who you are but I do my cocks" also known as rhyming) nod and go.
Alessandro and I walk the main streets, encountering the usual shops selling the usual T-shirts mythical mythical type:

At lunch the restaurant Chiambretti usually a bit 'of wine and four other chatter. I learned the two key phrases to avoid any blame, or "I did not do" and "It was already like that." The combinations are many. But who has finished the bottle? I did not do. Who broke the glass? It was already done. Among the other fucked up and pass the afternoon. And it's time to accompany Alex at the station. Thanks Alessandro for the company (and allowing me for the first time in my life to have breakfast by Baratti & Milano).
That evening at dinner are from my sister. My grandchildren were delighted to have me there, and from the morning wondering when I'd arrived. Leonardo gave me the lucciconi because I was prepared inside a box with his favorite games, as a gift for me. What's more important to a child of his favorite games?

help my sister with the inscription on facebook (and the end of the world is near because even Roccio us worthy of his presence in the popular social network) and with the audio settings on the laptop. Then send an Incoming messages to my classmates that are at the Shamrock to drink a beer and say they're still there then I can not possibly go. Answer: "Do not worry, please come."
then I start from this area and find the center (that ass) from millemila parking maneuvers. But there is. My fellow students with their friends and girlfriends are all there, and the bear of the group says it is pleased that we were too. What's going on? Spring is coming?

After the usual chat, what? Ok
And here's the magic.

To be clear: the bear is the one with the nail. I take the other side of the Po, we pass under the bridge playing with the echo, baby back despite three decades. And after finishing our tour, we salute you. Yet there is something that I did not come back, a piece of me missing something I want. Yet this head must remain on the track, I can not afford to make mistakes, I can not afford to be light. Yet.
I decided that I will do an internship in Bologna. Mess, because I do not like the quiet life. Mother House, the birthplace, "finalmenteriescoaguidare. Therefore start on Monday, several curriculum, and the search for a room from May to July. Yes, it's a mess. But I do it willingly. If I could finally find the place is not * my * would be nice. I have not yet figured out whether it is here, in Florence or somewhere. But the place where I finally feel at home. Where you feel comfortable.
the stage And then two months. Could it be that I'm going away disappointed from Bologna and the Bolognese life, might be that boh, I like it. And I want to stay there. But the time is right to try. Then everything will be complicated. Everything.

Song of the day: Strange Kind of Woman Deep Purple

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Letter For New Doctor Joining

Monkeys and magic of water - and still

should be there as a trumpet.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Turn Off Phone From Saying Veri

Trust is good, not to trust is worse

metodino I finally found a place to sleep. Two, in fact.
one found me, one with help.
But back to the gist of. Since I returned to Turin, I sleep little and badly. I have bad dreams (but this is not new), sometimes small anxieties, I have trouble concentrating. I do not read more, I can not. Executioner, who knows me knows that I read a lot, I have a new book every week, and different in content, style and genre from the previous one.
the evening to fall asleep, a method that acts is enough to put music on the iPhone, very low. I fall asleep even if it takes me a while '.
Second solution, proven this weekend, Melissa's mother tincture in water-alcohol solution. Just took the drops are coming into a state of relaxation that I did not know for some time. And I slept a fairy tale.
So I bought this mother tincture that tonight I rocked a little, in the absence of real pampering.
How is the course? Why you're wondering, is it? But is anyone still connected to this planet?
not understand that much, but go ahead. The relationship with my teammates is stable. In some cases turning into friendship. But can I trust? I follow my instincts. So who do I tell pieces of life and who does not. But only small pieces, it is necessary to maintain much of myself to myself. Have begun to be affectionate in their own way and I'm sure none of them but we want to try that after I make them a little 'tenderness. Maybe because of my recent past, the move, the state of mental disorder in which of course I am. Mental state tralaltro visible. By all smiling and staring at nothing but often it is that my mind goes a bit 'to his business.
But okay, okay.
I realized that I have an instinct of a fable, that I know who I can trust and who not, although I do not often do 'line. But perhaps I had already made.
I know that my pride is not always negative and often keeps me with his ears pricked just because it is closely related to my instincts. And then.
How many things I would like to write, how many things I understand, than they would understand. How many people do I need to keep clear to me how many and who are far away and I would rather close. Currently stationed in this limbo but I will not close any door. We'll see.

Song of the day: Purple Haze Jimi Hendrix

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Sanitize Office Equipment

Days palindromes are quite interesting. You can discover new things, find old things, dream a little '.
dream beautiful dreams.

Song of the day: Saturday Night Misfits

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Listerine Pocket Paks

Always studying the female body and light body

On The Pond oil pastel on paper Shoeller cm.35x50

shore oil pastel on paper Fabriano 100g. semiruvida
Both models are taken from photographs.
In the first, which I removed the silly sandals with stiletto heels, set in a pond, I had hit the plastic elegance, enhanced by slender body, carved from the merciless light of the environment in which Vanessa Beecroft was organizing one of his rallies.
The model is a time of waiting, and the limbs are relaxed, giving a feeling of contemplative meditation, which perfectly combines the tranquility of the pond.
Of the second was from my loved the joyful expression of the body caught in the race. Being an intimate complaints, I removed the garment (although small), and the usual twelve-heeled slippers, trying to give the face a joy less professional, I also changed the posture of his right arm covering her breasts , adding the fabric color to make sense of the installation, which could be perceived as motivated by striptease, and I wanted that, if there was malice, was that of his carefree youth, due to the theme of Susanna.
The use of oil pastel, which I am compelled by the small space of the process (it is not metaphorical, it is a retreat) where I spend most of the day of work to do, allows me a lot second thoughts and corrections, to tune the colors, and refine the design, working in successive layers, scratched, scored, rubbed.
Sometimes the feeling is to work in a "plastic" often seems to proceed to tender incision. The fact that cololri tend always a paste between them, while there is a limit, because it hinders the combination of colors divisionistico clean, on the other leads us to discover novel nuances and effects that stimulate the study, control them.
The colors of oil pastels are not as bright and ductile such as pigments combined with primer, the combinations are not always effective.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Speech About Should Morning After Pill Be Banned

Day palindrome, full of surprises: 11/02/2011.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mysore Mallige Free Movie

today are strong, and smash the world. And then rebuild it.

Song of the day: Protection Massive Attack

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wedding Anniversary Speech Son To Parents

Welcome Victory

Today my uncle was made, it went well, thank goodness. The have raised a calcolone but are awaiting the results of any analysis.
However tonight was born the daughter of my cousin (that is, the daughter of my uncle) at 00:40. Her name is Anna Victoria and weighs 4.120 kg. Considering that my cousin is half of me should not have been easy. So
Greetings cousin. And welcome Victoria. I would like you to know that this is not an easy world to stay, because it is a place ravaged by war, corruption and wickedness. But I also want to tell you that it is worthwhile to be there because this mud you can often find great people, good people, some amazing stuff. And even when you have issues, big or small they are, they will make you grow and become strong. I would also say that you often feel like you always see the wheels turning in the opposite direction to what you want. But you know, nothing happens by chance, and sometimes even a bad fall can help you look good on the ground, treasures that you could not even imagine.
I would tell you that in short, life is beautiful. And do not believe those who tell you otherwise. He's lying and he is unhappy and wants everyone to be unhappy. But you be happy.
That life is beautiful. And I am a sincere person.

Song of the Day: The Great Abandoned Omi

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Where Can You Get Rare Tech Decks

I win!

Sometimes two neurons touch and make me think: mioddio but I'm really so? First of all I
lack of love, you see, is obvious. My classmates are pretty pissed off by the wave of affection and vomiting on their way home today I thought, cabbages, but really worth the trouble so humble? That is begging for hugs?
I have already forgotten that I have to do to myself? That I am the center of my universe?
reworked a bit and said 'her head, from tomorrow I will try to change attitudes, to appease him a bit'. Moreover, I know that is my need due to my insecurity, to receive attention. But I know, and I know that they are smarter than that.
That said I'm glad the next outings organized. In April, the Easter holidays in Barcelona in June Sonisphere in Imola (only one day, killed but it's worth). July meeting of carnivorous plants in England.
I'm going to die in the shower. Devastating day with four hours and two of Oracle SQL, a plot to see my little brain explode. But I will win.

Song of the day: Protection Massive Attack

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gums Bone Chips Painful

Saturday with teletubbies

Weekend mythical.
we agree to see us, high school classmates (only four then become three, really). Facebook helps with this, so I Alela the photographer, LP and GZ try an evening to do something together. Teh, Saturday I had to go to Milan, but then it turned around Saturday evening is perfect. GP tells us that sin, will play in a carnival party. GP also played bass in high school. I remember once I Alela and we went to his house he had just bought the 6-string bass and we went to see it. He had long hair at the time, now I'm shaved, because long hair is uncomfortable, he says. Too bad.
So I decide to go and Alela Candiolo this party, so we hear, unfortunately GZ is lost in the meantime, do not have a car Robassomero and lives in a little 'inculatino. Alela
me know (via WhatsApp, cheers to the technology) that there is also a friend of his and his pseudoragazza. He calls it but it is his girlfriend, L, Angelina Jolie's face, little thin, with dreadlocks and tattoos. Superb (during the night I told-I have a good heart, b-which are in Rasta, c-that even if I do not dance like dancing because I am a woman, d-I need a man and my question "why do you say that?" he replies with a "you're a beautiful woman and we women dream about the beautiful prince. It 's true was shining but he said nice things and then I take them for real.
However under house Alela us are 3 people and I suppose that we are a bit 'more of the four of us already announced. They come two more and then we pick the pseudoragazza dressed as Cleopatra and head towards Candiolo. Three cars and you get lost enough. Also because it drives a porsche noisy and fast.
Once there, admission € 5 with chupito free (I'll take only later), people dressed in every way, meeting Supermario, two Teletubbies, various people of each carton and place does not exist.
The highlight was seeing the Teletubbies go on stage. LP then tells us that a girl took the stage and started throbbing.
In any case I enjoyed it, now the guide it would seem not, but are distracted by this movie that will put below. I enclose a photo of the night with me, and Alela LP. Teletubbies rulez. Despite
brillitudine of L, I liked it a lot because it's very spontaneous, is enthusiastic about anything, has an artistic spirit and will forgive any blunders.

Song of the Day: A matter of looks Paola Turci

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chlamydia And The Mouth

"And I, who had head with horror bound,
said:" Master, what is this ch'i 'odo?
What folk is this, which seems by pain so vanquished? ".

And he to me: "This miserable mode
tengon the sorry souls of those who lived without
'infamy or praise.

Shuffle are that bad
choir of Angels
who were not rebels nor faithful to God, but stood apart.

The heavens, not to be less beautiful, nor the depths of hell
ch'alcuna glory of the damned would have from them. "

And I: "Master, what so grievous
to them that makes them lament so sore?".
He answered: "I will tell thee very briefly.

These have no hope of death
and their blind life is so low,
that 'I am envious of every other fate.

Fame of them the world does not endure;
mercy and justice disdain them:

not speak of them, but look and pass. " "

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Create Your Own Footbal Visors

sloth would even now

few days ago my teacher told me that operating systems so my hair is red bellini with these clumps (?), But if he were to interview me, nisba.
Today the teacher told us of the importance of communication * not * put the photo on your CV. For example, he says pointing to me, you're so good with this hair, it looks great but maybe a picture may preclude an interview. Ebbasta guys, do not ride with the ridge and full of piercing. But he was? In any case
then told me that I sound snooty and I dialectics I said "Yes, I just get an interview and be quiet." Shelling doe-eyed and says, "Well, you're also sure of yourself."
No, but what do I do? It seems that in this world there is only the aesthetic and then I ask you is because they are so insecure and so watch my weight.

Companion One: "But you really made the university? What right?"
Me: "Biology, 11 tests have supported" Two
Companion "Ah, but then you've got your head."

the series, without words. Indeed they know they are smart but the trick is to look more and more dizzy and makes me smile when I look at neurons and their clash with each other thinking "But how? Understand? Performed the exercises? But is it possible? Will be copied."

Then the doctor today. I hate going to the doctor. Or rather, no: on the one hand I enjoy a lot. Listening to speeches and debate various bizarre, too bad then you end up always with the same old crap. But mainly because after an hour queue for a recipe for cabbage, I have to go to the pharmacy under the doctor's office and find myself the very same people who complained the first few meters higher, and have the same place in the queue, or wait and hopefully.
For the rest all right, I have to say. As they are moody is normal to have ups and downs, always smile and if nothing else I seem to have a beautiful stroke.
Ah: two boys bike ringing me back and said "what a pretty girl" type that will be 10 years that I understood. And I'm dressed as usual, or to minchiam, jeans are now so large that when I walk I gotta keep them with your hand.
Does anyone have a job that I use very little time and pay quite well? No eh? I was expecting.

Song of the Day: Thank you Dido