Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cervical Mucus A Week And A Half Before Period

Biovar - Ciabatta Bread - Hot Dog - Strawberry Risotto Pizzotelle

's recipe these should be Biovar Ciccio cheese, I took long ago on the blog of Gennaro is more than a year that I prepare with a good result

INGREDIENTS: 18 g salt put on after the union of two bodies
poolish 300 gr flour 00
300 g water 8 g

beer yeast 1 teaspoon barley malt
In a bowl mix the ingredients, close and let rise for 2 hours
2 ° DOUGH:
600 gr flour 00

195 gr water 18 gr yeast
50 g lard
Prepare the dough and add it to poolish, add the salt and work the mixture well and let rise for 20 indoors minutes
Turn it all on the table, cut some pieces of about 100 grams, with a rolling pin to make the strips 1 cm high and 12 cm wide, roll each strip on itself loosely.
Flour, cover and let rise one hour
When ready, cut them in half lengthwise using a spatula, open with a sharp point of the cut and bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes


This is the result of various tests, after research Network Alice4161 I adopted the recipe, I do it with the dough and use only flour Thermomix 0

Ingredients: 500 gr flour 15 gr 0

yeast 1 / 2 teaspoon barley malt
a pinch of salt
300 grams of water in the Thermomix
Put 50 grams of water, the yeast and malt, 3 Speed \u200b\u200brun for a few seconds, add all the flour, salt, add turn vel 4 slowly from the water hole in the lid.
Just turn the dough is well blended. Pour into a floured bowl, and close to grow for approximately 2 hours.
Turn the dough on the table cut in half, gently with your hands until the dough expand and stretch to give the desired shape
Place on a floured baking pan, sprinkle with flour, cover and let rise another 2 hours
Bake at 250 degrees (I use the oven) just took off a beautiful golden color

Introducing the slices are soft and beautiful holes


I have tried for years to make good hot dog in the house, I even bought the machine with the cylinder to warm the bread and inveceeeeeeeeeee
I got a perfect score by following this recipe for sausage rolls taken blog
h ttp: / /
Ingredients for 10 rolls:

250 grams of flour Manitoba;
10 grams of yeast, a pinch of
a pinch of salt, 50 g
beaten eggs;
25 g butter;
100 ml of milk (approximately)
10 frankfurters;
taste of bread crumbs;
taste of ketcup.


Mix all ingredients in order to obtain a homogeneous, smooth and elastico.Lasciar rise for about 1 hour cir
I divided the dough into pieces about 80 g, made into balls and let rise for about 30 minutes
Just helping leavened with a rolling pin I made some strips about 3 cm high and about 1 cm, I wrapped the sausages in them doing so, ensure the sides to close, lay on a pan covered with parchment paper cover with a cloth let stand about 40 minutes.
Brush with beaten egg with 2 tablespoons milk, bake at 200 degrees for 10 - 15 minutes
Cut a small end of the bread from the hole to get off the sauce and enjoy your meal


My grandson has been eating these hot pizzotelle stuffed into pizza and I was asked to belittling
Honestly I did not even know what they were, I asked her friends Alf and I did some research on the net , the first time I found the recipe right
I apologize if you do not carry the author but switched a few months and I do not remember who the author

Ingredients: 250 gr flour - 1 cube of fresh yeast - extra virgin olive oil - salt - For the filling: cheese and ham or bacon and smoked cheese or anchovies and mozzarella, bacon and brie cheese, salami and mozzarella, or pepper, thinly sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms and provolone, sweet or spicy, etc. ...

Mix flour with baking powder and salt dissolved in warm water, add 3 tablespoons of oil.
Cover with a floured cloth and let rise in warm place and the mixture out by air currents.
Meanwhile prepare the ingredients to your taste or choice.
Roll the dough on a work surface with medium, help with a rolling pin and a little 'flour (having entered the oil in the dough is not sticky). With the help of a glass off drawn circles of dough and place (not too close to each other) in the floured baking pan.
Bake high for 3 minutes or the time to form a light crust, baked and cut in half '(as you do with a sandwich oil) leaving the two pieces attached to a flap; pizzottella each stuffed with a coupled ingredients
Bake again for finish cooking. Remove from the oven and serve

Here it swell during the first firing

freshly made ready to be stuffed
You have to settle for this photo girls !
soon stuffed and put into oven to finish cooking, have disappeared, try them are great! !


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