Monday, June 28, 2010

What Happens In Stomach

Susanna Susanna and the sheet floral

For my kind of painting, oil pastel can be used to quickly make an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat could be a painting. Its dense material allows for color charges, overlapping with razor blade or scalpel and scraping, you can fade a shade inside the other, resulting in a texture reminiscent of the pointillist technique. No wonder that he could create his Zandomeneghi soft softness, embodied the vibrant, with a medium so basic. This confirms once more that the author is the artistic quality that determines the value of the work, not market value, mind you, that is self-regulated by canons, which often take into account any artistic value. Please avoid the merits, although in practical life, like everyone else, it subisco conditioning.
study concluded that the pastel is a simple and generous, as well as pleasant immediate results, offers an interesting view on color management, it is possible to approach without any expectations and drying without having to raise the issue of compatibility of the pigments in order to afford an infinite number of variations, thoughts and corrections.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Programs For Pregnant Women

Reflections after the disaster

The beautiful Renaissance terracotta, brutalized by the earthquake in order to repair but significant limbs , surrounded by fire brigades, recalls an altarpiece, evoked also titled: "Pala and Reunification." I did not know the author of the statue, Saturnino Gatti, and to inform andandomene, I found that originally it was a polychrome terracotta, which confused the color of the sensitivity of the model, which does not hesitate to call taste Botticelli. I would have liked to draw live, revive the glory days of my years in the Brera, but I had accontententarmi a good photo.
The idea of \u200b\u200badding the group of fighters came to me for having seen them in the photo in question, taken in the field, and dial it had made over the centuries as groups of angels and saints was natural, as was natural to use background apse a dilapidated rifacentesi remotely Pala Montefeltro Piero. While working on the rubble at the foot of the composition, I was thinking about the cover of an album by Frank Zappa, "Where We Only in It for the Money", where, parodying the Beatles' Sgt Pepper, the Mothers rest on a landfill site considerable amount of food waste, and I feel that there is some link, although very remote and totally inadvertent on my part, or rather, the conscious part of me. Moreover, I have repeatedly argued that a kind of possession guides the work of the artist, in a state of mind which produces the only Charlie Parker, as the poems of Cecco Angiolieri.
Returning to the framework, the excuse to paint the beautiful Lady, is a reminder for disaster, and a tribute to the firefighters, for whom I have sympathy, knowing that intervene efficiently and without fanfare, as witnessed by the survivors themselves Aquila. The severed hands that can not either to pray or bless, denounced the inefficiency of the government, which is wasted in the person of Maximo Leader in high-sounding promises of reconstruction, largely unfulfilled.
But in the short term, Haiti was hit by a stronger quake that devastated island further
already full of humanity without hope. The painting was not finished, and it became obvious to dedicate my modest sign of disasters in general, those who lead assistance where needed, taking the Fire as a symbol of unarmed army that fights against suffering.
I am aware of the risks involved in using symbols and rhetorical tone of celebration, but I think it can provide a framework for thought about dramatic events, which is just not forget, just as you do not forget that painting is, what I'm doing.
In recent days, today is December 3, they're coming terrifying news of a cholera epidemic in the island of Haiti, with reports of hellish images of a tragedy made even more tragic senseless superstition, with suspected plague spreaders made literally in pieces, while adults and children, especially children, fall decimated by a nasty disease which they say could be eradicated with clean water, perhaps with a little 'healthy food. Any discussion
risk banality, and no images apocalattica ptrebbe be painted memento of this and all other misfortunes which assail humanity, the weaker party, while the well-fed should give very little to solve : I understand that there are plants that desalinate sea water, we send men and equipment, expensive means, to bring the massacres to defend ourselves, they say, from further bloodshed, and only handful of good people come to the aid that they can, when a massive operation, coordinated by skilled strategists that each nation "civil" develops, could in a short time, and spending less than it costs the most stupid of wars attualmrnte in progress, stop this hopeless war that humanity continues to lose, often without to fight.

Friday, June 25, 2010

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Latest works

was a bit I had in mind to make me a bag of yarn crochet
I am put to work and after a few days I did
This is my bag over What do you
seems ?

Detail of flower

A small bag Chiara

the bottom of a drawer lay long pink cotton.
I took it and I made this little bag for a sweet girl named Chiara

This is the staple of Alexander who had a beautiful baby to be born quickly

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Pappardelle with chocolate and hazelnut pumpkin

Today I felt like a first a little different, something simple
there were eggs in the fridge, in a corner of a piece of pumpkin and a bag of ground hazelnuts.
I have in mind to make pasta with pumpkin sauce with hazelnuts
I guarantee very good

For 4 people: 4 eggs, 300 gr oo flour, 100 gr wheat flour, a slice of pumpkin of around 300 g peeled, 1 tablespoon of hazelnut flour, extra virgin olive oil, grated parmesan cheese , salt, pepper
For the dough, working the eggs with the flour, with grandma duck pull the sheets to dry and cut the rolls with pappardelle
Cook pasta in boiling salted water and prepare the sauce:
in a large bowl put plenty of oil, the pumpkin made into chunks and brown, add salt and pepper and just ready to pour the flour of roasted hazelnuts
Drain the pasta and add to the sauce and let it go immediately remove from heat, sprinkle with Parmesan and a little freshly ground pepper
Mix, put in the pot, sprinkle with Parmesan and serve

Red Mark On The Tip Of The Tongue

Spaghetti squash octopus, clams - - Spaghetti with tuna sauce flavored with peas

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Diwali Greeting Card Verses


fragrant dish, perfect for warm weather.
takes the tomatoes and bunches of herbs, bring to the table for a first light and tasty

Ingredients: tortiglioni, ripe tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, some basil leaves, a bit of parsley, 1 garlic, some rosemary needle, 2 small leaves of sage, if you like very hot pepper, salt, pepper and grated Parmesan

Preparation: cook the pasta while put the oil in a saucepan with all the chopped herbs, you slip a toothpick and the garlic in the oil is hot just pass it on the bottom of the pan and remove immediately.
mash the tomatoes and add them all'erbette, salt and pepper let cook a few minutes, once the pasta is cooked, drain and dress with the sauce.
A nice sprinkle of Parmesan and serve immediately

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salad recycling

This is really a salad empty fridge, the series "do not throw anything away"
In two days I had accumulated a lot of different ingredients, leftovers of the meal on Saturday and Sunday

You can not throw a lot of grace.

So I took the boiled chicken (which has remained after the stock for the crepes) I cut into cubes, I added agretti read lying in the fridge the day before, a little of the remaining peas in a white room , some sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes, a little oil, a little salt balsamic vinegar of Modena, and here is a fresh salad ready at all bad.
The guests have enjoyed and the refrigerator has been cleaned up

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The braid Germana

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Biovar - Ciabatta Bread - Hot Dog - Strawberry Risotto Pizzotelle

's recipe these should be Biovar Ciccio cheese, I took long ago on the blog of Gennaro is more than a year that I prepare with a good result

INGREDIENTS: 18 g salt put on after the union of two bodies
poolish 300 gr flour 00
300 g water 8 g

beer yeast 1 teaspoon barley malt
In a bowl mix the ingredients, close and let rise for 2 hours
2 ° DOUGH:
600 gr flour 00

195 gr water 18 gr yeast
50 g lard
Prepare the dough and add it to poolish, add the salt and work the mixture well and let rise for 20 indoors minutes
Turn it all on the table, cut some pieces of about 100 grams, with a rolling pin to make the strips 1 cm high and 12 cm wide, roll each strip on itself loosely.
Flour, cover and let rise one hour
When ready, cut them in half lengthwise using a spatula, open with a sharp point of the cut and bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes


This is the result of various tests, after research Network Alice4161 I adopted the recipe, I do it with the dough and use only flour Thermomix 0

Ingredients: 500 gr flour 15 gr 0

yeast 1 / 2 teaspoon barley malt
a pinch of salt
300 grams of water in the Thermomix
Put 50 grams of water, the yeast and malt, 3 Speed \u200b\u200brun for a few seconds, add all the flour, salt, add turn vel 4 slowly from the water hole in the lid.
Just turn the dough is well blended. Pour into a floured bowl, and close to grow for approximately 2 hours.
Turn the dough on the table cut in half, gently with your hands until the dough expand and stretch to give the desired shape
Place on a floured baking pan, sprinkle with flour, cover and let rise another 2 hours
Bake at 250 degrees (I use the oven) just took off a beautiful golden color

Introducing the slices are soft and beautiful holes


I have tried for years to make good hot dog in the house, I even bought the machine with the cylinder to warm the bread and inveceeeeeeeeeee
I got a perfect score by following this recipe for sausage rolls taken blog
h ttp: / /
Ingredients for 10 rolls:

250 grams of flour Manitoba;
10 grams of yeast, a pinch of
a pinch of salt, 50 g
beaten eggs;
25 g butter;
100 ml of milk (approximately)
10 frankfurters;
taste of bread crumbs;
taste of ketcup.


Mix all ingredients in order to obtain a homogeneous, smooth and elastico.Lasciar rise for about 1 hour cir
I divided the dough into pieces about 80 g, made into balls and let rise for about 30 minutes
Just helping leavened with a rolling pin I made some strips about 3 cm high and about 1 cm, I wrapped the sausages in them doing so, ensure the sides to close, lay on a pan covered with parchment paper cover with a cloth let stand about 40 minutes.
Brush with beaten egg with 2 tablespoons milk, bake at 200 degrees for 10 - 15 minutes
Cut a small end of the bread from the hole to get off the sauce and enjoy your meal


My grandson has been eating these hot pizzotelle stuffed into pizza and I was asked to belittling
Honestly I did not even know what they were, I asked her friends Alf and I did some research on the net , the first time I found the recipe right
I apologize if you do not carry the author but switched a few months and I do not remember who the author

Ingredients: 250 gr flour - 1 cube of fresh yeast - extra virgin olive oil - salt - For the filling: cheese and ham or bacon and smoked cheese or anchovies and mozzarella, bacon and brie cheese, salami and mozzarella, or pepper, thinly sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms and provolone, sweet or spicy, etc. ...

Mix flour with baking powder and salt dissolved in warm water, add 3 tablespoons of oil.
Cover with a floured cloth and let rise in warm place and the mixture out by air currents.
Meanwhile prepare the ingredients to your taste or choice.
Roll the dough on a work surface with medium, help with a rolling pin and a little 'flour (having entered the oil in the dough is not sticky). With the help of a glass off drawn circles of dough and place (not too close to each other) in the floured baking pan.
Bake high for 3 minutes or the time to form a light crust, baked and cut in half '(as you do with a sandwich oil) leaving the two pieces attached to a flap; pizzottella each stuffed with a coupled ingredients
Bake again for finish cooking. Remove from the oven and serve

Here it swell during the first firing

freshly made ready to be stuffed
You have to settle for this photo girls !
soon stuffed and put into oven to finish cooking, have disappeared, try them are great! !

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

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The idea was from my watching the clown came to Hopper in the midst of the diners on the terrace, where nobody cares about him, an ' picture of peaceful solitude accepted with the knowledge that in somehow reminds me of the sweet Melancolie which Fellini is a master, with a background Waltz whispers coming from a gramophone offstage. I drew the waitress, who was to have an appropriate physical, countless times, I wanted you to abandon dancing in an embrace imagination, with mild irony. Drawing the chairs, then, it occurred to me also a work of Pina Bausch dance surrounded by chairs that he tries to escape, I do not remember that quote in Almodovar's film, perhaps "Talk to Her."
My chairs, however, does not imprison my dancer, I'm quite a decent audience for his jovial loneliness. think of the title, it occurred to me that I had heard the song sambeggiante by Sam Cooke or maybe it was Smokey Robinson, in the Italian made the Rockes Shapiro. I learned later that the author was an unfortunate boy who, confined to a wheelchair, watching his wife enjoy the dance, waiting with loving indulgence of being taken back home.
The waltz to Nino Rota was then abandoned to the tender sadness of that text disconsolately on a latin rhythm, but without the languid Brazilian, and I think at the end of the picture has grossed suspended atmosphere I was looking for, drunk in the breeze lunar time, swung on the waves out there, sea or river, no matter understand.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Black And White Damask Cardstock Paper

This risotto I've seen on blogs, in the album forumine Alf, even in some restaurants.
seems one of the dishes to the fashion of the moment.
Since my stomach tolerates only cooked the strawberries I did a search on the net, I found several recipes, very similar.
Equal weight of strawberries and rice, pour cognac or white wine.
What can I say I tried and tried until I found the size and the ingredients that satisfy my palate.
A clarification, do not ever attack the rice during the preparation otherwise take a sour taste a bit 'ugly.

Ingredients for 4:
Pochisima chopped onion thin
extra virgin olive oil (if you prefer you can replace it with a knob of butter)
20 g butter 40 g grated parmesan
280 gr strawberries
440 g rice (I I always use for my risotto from 110 to 120 grams of rice per person)
salt, pepper
of hot soup made with vegetable nut
PREPARATION Wash the strawberries and make them a small pieces, put the pasta in a jump oil and very little to go a little onion, add about half of strawberries and a little 'hot broth and cook a couple of minutes if you need to add the hot stock.
Mash strawberries with a fork, add the rice and cover it with broth to cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes.
Season with salt, a pinch of pepper to the rest of strawberries and finish cooking, add broth if needed (or hot water)
When the rice is cooked, remove from heat stir in butter and parmesan Pour into dishes and serve hot
Garnish with sliced \u200b\u200bstrawberry

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Girdles On Mature Women

sea snails

Here you fall in the absurd!
My husband does not like to eat fish, sometimes I can make him eat a plate of fried but fried particular: 4 rings of squid, shrimps 4-5. This is the best for him
Then in front of a nice plate of snails in our beautiful Adriatic Sea can not resist.

Ingredients: 1 bag
sea snails
a small tin of tomatoes
a bottle of tomato sauce, extra virgin olive oil
pepper, salt, pepper, 1 / 2 teaspoon granulated vegetable nut
herbs (sage, mint, rosemary, parsley, onion)
1 rib of celery and 1 carrot

Wash several times and rubbing his hands in plenty of water snails, leave for a couple of hours in the water and salt, then 4 more washes
Put them in pot covered with water, add carrot and celery and bring to boil, simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Meanwhile in a large pot, sauté with the 'little onion and chilli oil, add the tomatoes blended tomato sauce a bit of aqua and the bunch of herbs (I shut the door in the ball odor), salt and pepper and put the nut.
As soon as the snails are boiled drain and put them in a bowl with cold water and wash them continuing to rub his hands, so if the needle has been tough and some loses.
Rinse well and pour into sauce and simmer for a while (I use the AMC pot with the lid and pressure are enough for me 10 minutes)
Serve warm with plenty of sauce, accompanied by toothpicks.
Sometimes I have left the sauce with some puppet, then patiently pull out all the snails from the shell, put it back in there and spaghetti sauce or pici. Delicious