Sunday, November 9, 2008

Size Clothing Women Averages Country

This was a President !!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Parts Of A Ship And What It Does

Crozza Maurizio, who was also a vision on students

Advanced Female Masterbation

clear vision of what happened in school!

Microwaves In The1920's

two or three things that have kept me away from the blog ..

Ok .. In summary ... is some time since I wrote on my blog dear .. now even more confident of my fans will be given up .. Oh well start again ...
Well that has happened in these two months of absence from the blog.
Number 1 My relationship with Sara is gonfissime sails are very happy, on cloud nine .. I could not really ask for more, with her I'm rediscovering the pleasure of little things, the taste of the innocent and silly laughter, the commitment in the things around us.
Together we went to give blood, something I wanted to do for a living (as much as you ..
parenthesis on the donations : fasting morning with the famous Florentine traffic that accompanies our journey to Meyer; you get there fill out a form on our health and we register as donors. little time we are visited by a doctor and then donation. My stomach was beginning to demand food and offering a candy, I have not turned back, but even the prospect of a juice with I heard the nurse brought snack kindly restrain, not satisfied takes full advantage of my good breakfast (2 and 2 paste + tell cappuccino) and I do a ECG
result of the donation: I donated a pint of blood, but I won in groceries and free testing .. tell me if it is not expedient to give!!

Number 2 I had them fooled .. I decided to become a representative of the university course .. not now I regret it, but I realize it may be stressful. Anyway with the expert Cichero and "forced" Ruscillo we have created a close-knit team that helps. We tried as much as possible to inform our friends on university reform that is coming down on us.
Result: I understand that when you believe in something, but you can not have a role deployed and drag gl'altri force. important lesson, but it has not scratched my ideals and crowned by the continued participation in the demonstration in Rome on October 30!
Bracket Event: LA PIU 'BELLA, HEARD, engaging, unified event I've ever done .. I do not know what will serve everything we do, but we do .. strongly expose what is ours and diritto.Sforzi to jump through hoops to get tickets, lump in my throat because nothing until the last ticket, then magically two days before the fateful day yes .. we are! you go to Rome! With our magic banners Gelmini thou hast not asked for informed consent "and" Better an enema of 133 "a small representation nurses (fifteen) has been heard walking through the capital shouting "UNI-VER-SI-TA 'BLI-PUB-CA UNI-VER-SI-TA' BLI-PUB-CA"!

Number 3 the end I decided not to return this year in the Community leaders. I've been thinking a lot and I think I need a moment to get away from scouting, scouting for 12 years rents rents have affected my life a little. Convinced that community leaders come in means taking serious degl'impegni I think it's best to think seriously and not make an immediate switch-clan community leaders, I believe that money in one year by sabbattico Scouting takes me .. (Although I believe it will not be able to detoxify the magic of the scouts and, almost certainly return to my group to give myself my contribution). At the camp of the steps I actually did not make the most of the group and, although persistently ill-treated by the "because you are not returned," I took what people believed in me and showed me an enormous pleasure, I have no regrets, however, right now I dedicate my life to the scout-style, without forgetting those who gave me so much and with a debt to pay .. a huge debt.

Number 4: I finally decided to leave the aikido, after a tug of about 3 ½ years (not even had a Fiha!), I realized that I more stimuli than before, I do not more excited, I'm not amused anymore. Ergo I truncated albeit with regret losing a good group of people, and I sling from a life that I wanted to do, but I never had the strength to do: soccer.
know eh .. so 'boring .. but I've always liked and I never did, and with a little encouragement of the will, I decided to try .. and cabbage .. it went well! Arruolatomi as a goalkeeper, two-time training and the coach brings me to the first team training with experienced people for 30 years and with a goalkeeper coach .. wow power (but that effort!) but I'm happy and satisfied with what I'm doing ..
I played my first game .. we drew a game tiratissima .. 5-5 away in a soccer field instead vapors above the pool, a team with little experience, but really want to do is put forward and loses two points instead of gaining a view of the dynamics of the game. The whole experience, are now charged and ready for the next home game, I hope you can come and see me in so many .. There earthen .. I finally found a role that enhances my abilities and that makes me have fun .. hopefully good .. Well I did come

du 'chestnuts so anyone who has had the courage to read this place, but it was only right to revive my blog.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Were Can I Find Coffee Patron Biggest Bottle ?

"Some of the things I've learned in life" by Paolo Coelho

E 'Paolo Coelho's amazing how being able to identify the multiplicity of human and make you understand things that deep down, you knew .. just think ...

-that no matter how good a person, any time you hurt.
And for this, you must forgive her.

- What it takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it.

- What we do not have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

- That the circumstances and the environment have influence on us, but we are responsible for ourselves.

- that either you control your acts, or they will control you.

- I've learned that heroes are people who have done what needed to be done, face the consequences.

- that patience requires a lot of practice.

- That there are people who love us, but simply do not know how to prove it.

- That sometimes the person you think you will launch the deadly blow when you fall, it is instead one of the few that will help you get up.

- that just because someone does not love you the way you want, does not mean they do not love you with all of yourself.

- What you should never tell a child that dreams are nonsense: it would be a tragedy if he believed.

- which is not always enough to be forgiven by someone. In most cases, is you have to forgive yourself.

- That no matter how many pieces your heart is broken, the world does not stop, waiting for you to fix it.

- Maybe God wants us to meet some 'to wrong people before meeting the right one, so when we finally meet, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

- When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see what has been opened for us.

- The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never saying a word, and then walk away feeling that it is as if it was the best conversation you've ever had.

- It 's true that we do not know what we have until we lose, but it is also true that we do not know what we've been missing until it arrives.

- It only takes a minute to offend someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love, but it takes a lifetime to forget.

- Do not go for looks can be deceiving.

- Do not go for wealth even that fades away.

- Find someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make it look brilliant a bad day.

- Find what makes your heart smile.

- There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!

- Dream what you want to, go wherever you want, be what you want to be, because you only have one life and one chance to do the things you want to do.

- you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

- Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel tight, they probably feel this way.

- The happiest of people do not necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything that comes along their way.

- The best future is based on a forgotten past, you can not go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

- When you're born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.

-Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying. "

Addictinggames Com Bloons

.. University .. start again! ..

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dual Form Nail System

Impanicato panic! Ingrid Betancourt

... reset salivation, breath away, and cut off Tremulant words, often without meaning ..
seems the description of a corpse dyslexic illiterate .. in reality this was me today physiology exam ..
If during the examination of Anatomy and Histology fear was felt, this time it's the panic that came on the scene .. and in all its anxiolytic power ...
Was it the fact that the examination was important enough to scare ..
because it threatens to throw the pigs a year of sacrifice, stress and many, many efforts .. It must have been
what has been, the fact is that I'm stuck .. and I almost literally ...
I thank from the depths of the Eleanor, at the time of my tragic / pathetic desperation has been able to find the right words to make me return and make a good figure with the other teacher ..
End result: passed the test, but I was shocked by the panic that came over me .. Hope
future: the next time maybe I can anticipate and deal with the panic time!

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Perfect Man- Blog

"Peace is a sensitive soul, must be cultivated and grown up with this and other [...]" thousands of phrases that call to freedom, nonviolence, forgiveness, home, love and solidarity, Ingrid Betancourt, a strong and courageous woman who has received 3 September from Florence, as well as honorary citizenship and the lily of gold, the nomination for the Nobel prize for peace.
I like to quote the words of journalist Unit, Maurizio Chierici for this event:

" When a city grant honorary citizenship to a person born elsewhere, he does recognize this person under civil commitment and the same courage and the worldview that accompany the city's history. Florence is perhaps the first to have had a mayor ambassador of peace. It was 1955, years cold, Europe cut off by barbed wire when Giorgio La Pira collects in this building and the mayors of Moscow Washington, Paris and London, Bombay and Karachi, Jerusalem, Budapest and Vienna. 34 before the citizens of countries divided by ideas that seem irreconcilable and religions which exacerbate radicalism. Yet they found themselves to dialogue, to seek a friendship that seemed utopian. In this spirit, Florence chose to have a town like Ingrid Betancourt for civil commitment and courage at that moment the condemned to a painful captivity. When this City Council has given concrete admiration for the dramatic testimony of Ingrid Betancourt, was March 22, 2004, two years in prison and only one message to say: I'm alive. Then she has never heard, silence long four years. Chained for Ceredo in reason while the protagonists of the violence were using pain as a bargaining chip or political consolidation. Reappears in poignant image. And in the letter a few months ago out of the forest made it clear that it did not give up. His dream continued. Now
Ingrid Betancourt is back and is starting to live with the faith that has kept in solitude, is back with the desire to restore dignity to every human being forced exclusion that selfishness of power and expand the business everywhere. And do not stop.
Young people are right when they complain to the fathers who survived the years of prosperity. The lack of innocence - in ambition, carelessness, laziness, suspicious reports with the new world that grows around us. They do not understand, we we're intimidated. Our eyes are too accustomed to our life to understand life degl'altri, near and far. Ingrid's letter from prison green brings together generations in a message of hope.
His biography is different from the life of the crowds that always continues to defend. His father was minister of education and then ambassador to UNESCO. Mother senator and a nice house in Paris. The old and young friends attended the forced separation from governments that loved them. Names are not important yet: Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Botero of fat women. Ingrid listened to the stories sitting at the piano. In diplomatic circles sticking Pablo Neruda. One day Ingrid girl confesses to write poems. And every time you looked at home Neruda Betancourt, looking with the eyes: "Where is my colleague?" . Then universities in Paris with the teachers who did experience the anxiety of a different culture. Good culture that has given her courage.
She married and became French, but returned to Colombia to animate a "decent policy" after the assassination of Falana who was presidential candidate Ingrid with social commitment that has taken over and expanded. Almost angrily. Many Colombians have now embraced. In '98 it was the most voted candidate in the country. Collects the return and fight with many risks in a book "The Rage au Coeur". In the country
2002 Presidential presents his party: Oxygen, clean air to defend the nature above all, clean air against corruption and the complicity of narcos-political-paramilitary asphyxiation defenseless crowds.
must say that there is another Colombia, does not resemble the country that appears in newspapers. Bogota is not only the city of coca and kidnappings. In desperation seek remedy intellectuals, politicians and a middle class that is not resigned to measure the life only in money. And 'the face of a lesser-known capital who can be refined: coffee "tertullas, such as chat in the cafes of Italy that is no more; cafe where the patrons come with poems read by friends who devoutly hear in his pocket and drop by reciting verses afterwards. Here is Ingrid Betancourt, now in Florence to pick up a citizenry that four years ago it was hard to imagine it could be celebrated.
Also in Florence, also in Tuscany, the region is to establish the Committee that supports the candidacy for the Nobel prize. After the horrific images of prisoner Ingrid, many had expected the important voices of Latin America suggests Betancourt for the Nobel Peace. One way to save her life by calling attention to her and forget about the hostages. Only Yolanda, her mother, Astrid, sister, Melanie and Lorenzo, sons, municipalities that want the town, some friends, some cities will not turn off impagnavano memory. Transforming the memory of family and non-coordinated groups, in memory of all, to give shape to the universal regret hope.
Two other women who look like they lived in the courage and continue to sopporatare the pain of exclusion: Aung San Sun and Rigoberta Menchu, Guatemala and Myanmar; dogmatic communism and rampant capitalism. The thread that united was the military arrogance. That Nobel Peace Prize has redeemed them from marginalization even more painful the sacrifices that continue to endure. But they are alive and not give up. And they talk to people.
Ingrid could also wanted to talk to people.
was just the idea of \u200b\u200ba journalist for a newspaper is not big but a great tradition, the Italian newspaper, almost a universal angle information. Yet it seemed like a magic word.
around the unit have gathered thousands of people, entire universities, but also Italian Stanford, California and Massachusetts University and then Rita Levi Montalcini, Michele Bachelet (president of Chile), Minister Frattini, Dario For, Riccardi and the Community Sant'Egidio, Jodie Williams (Nobel Peace 97), Yael Dayan, Predrac Matvejevic, Zubil Meta, Tullia Zevi and Latin writers such as Antonio Skármeta indigenous and trade unionists who write from the Amazon. Thousands of signatures overwhelm the editors. I remember only a
In letters. Humberto Ak'Abal, poet Maya of Guatemala, was able somehow the application the Nobel Prize. His poems were translated by Martha Canfield Editions Letters, publisher Florentine. Humberto had come to Florence to meet Mario Luzi: public embrace of great emotion.
"Do not forget my name among those who support Ingrid," is his appeal. "I am convinced he is entitled to the Nobel. Our America for many years is wounded dignity. How much pain, how much suffering, how many people gave blood to seek new horizons. How many people gagged to silence . Ingrid Betancourt is a victims, a symbol of the victims.'m next to her screaming the word "peace." For
Ingrid is not just a word: the victim's testimony without rancor are buried in the determination to prevent suffering as his continuing in the tropics that impriogionano people without rights. Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia, Burma and who knows how many Africas forgotten. It will be an ambassador of peace with the trust and admiration of all sides. He lived in torment for trying to bring the region where hatred has set in denial entrusted to the armed conflict. And came back ready to start again. Florence should be proud of as a Florentine. "

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Holes After Mole Removal

cat nuisance

.. continue the adventures of the cat" Ferriani "

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sakura Binoculars Quality

3 .. dancing .. stupid, crazy, funny

the video you see on their own, which is false ..
but you have to admit that the idea is cool and the music put me under a mountain like it!

Cooking Frozen Tortellini

But .. self-esteem soared ..

historic day today, pitched, epic, to remember .. Because after all I managed to pass the test of Anatomy and Histology!! Sincerely
after the defeat of 11 June touched my moral ground, but now I am here to enjoy the result ..
In fact there and I hoped that even before questioning had passed the examination in only 6 did not encourage .. a massacre. Everyone
nursing course know what it means to succeed to pass, is a great result. Because it seems to have passed the first real obstacle ..
if before my self-esteem verging to a dung beetle because it did not believe a damn thing together this year, now at least I feel like a lion if svacca under the tree ..
bad that not last long .. tomorrow, the head is already in physiology ...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where To Donate Prom Dresses In Indiana

Re-training .. We all apologize

Let me greetings from tomorrow because the SOD (pre-) will occupy my life for a month or so good .. and while I hope to get the most from such an experience, there will be exams, this vintage decisive to define positive ..
A battle on two fronts ..
the bookmers are not optimistic ..
(until step Anatomy and Histology I miss ..)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Can Herpes Get In Your Nose

Carry a reflection of Don Ciotti, sent to me by Shaam, on security. All find a scapegoat in the other, humbly, in the margins and giving him will solve the security problem.
(Even a German guy said that to lift Germany from its problems was necessary to remove the Jews ..)
a case .. .. I do not think .. I leave you to reflect

[From the newspaper "L'Unita '" of May 16, 2008.]

Dear lady,
I saw this morning on the front pages of many newspapers, a photograph that shows her. Nestled on a small open, broken-down, a shawl around her head. Behind her, you see two girls, a piu'grande, eyes wide, scared, and the other baby, who has his eyes closed but I imagine her two daughters. Beside her the figure of a man's shoulders: her husband, I presume. In his face, lady, we read an expression of embarrassment mixed with resignation. We are taking away from Ponticelli, east of Naples, where they live and the field 'was set on fire. On the back of that truck in a bad way - to make mattress nets from shore - an inscription: "old crap".

I am writing dear lady, to apologize. I know his people, his stories. Just recently, on the outskirts of Turin, I met one of your community ': how much suffering, but also as a humanist' and dignity 'in their faces.
In our country people are talking about for years now, security. E 'need sacrosanct safety. The need for security there we have it all, and 'cross, belongs to every human being, in every community', to every people. It 's the need to feel respected, protected, loved. The need to live in peace, to meet availability 'and collaboration in our neighbor. This need to protect each community ', even yours, has decided to adopt a series of rules. He established the terms of coexistence
, decided that it was lawful to do and what was not lawful, 'cause harm to this common good in which everyone could identify. Those who transgress the rules were punished, sometimes with the loss of freedom '. But even that punishment, the worst for a man - being freedom 'more good' precious, and you well know by nomadic people - was intended to reintegrate into the community ', to take back. The sign of civilization 'and' also that of a justice that punishes the offender, not for revenge but to accompany him through the sentence, a change to a growth in awareness.

a long time this concept of Security is crumbling. Is crumbling in the face of people's fears. Fears caused economic insecurity - which affects a growing number of people - and by the presence in our cities' faces and stories of economic insecurity are already living the 'tragically as poverty' and eradication, and they had to leave their countries with the hope of a better life.
I'll try ', dear lady, to explain with a picture. And 'we felt as if everyone on a ship adrift at sea, and knowing that the number of lifeboats and' limited, the risk of sinking helps us to see our neighbor as a competitor, one that could save our place. The reaction and 'then to drive away from the ship are considered' too, too bad if they are almost always the most 'vulnerable. The logic of the scapegoat - is fueled by an irresponsible use of words and images, with information at times ready to foment hatred and fear - how it works'. There is rages about who is below us, about who and 'more' helpless, unable to understand this and that 'a logical suicide that could turn ourselves into victims a day.

live with great concern that state of affairs. The History has taught us that the legitimate prosecution of crime you can 'easily pass if it is not justice and rationality', the criminalization of the people, the existential condition of the idea: Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies, dissidents politicians have tried it on their skin. Again, this is not "justify" the crime, but to have the courage to recognize that those who live on the margins, without opportunity, 'and' more 'inclined to commit crimes than those who do and' integrated. And do not forget those forms of widespread illegality 'that do not raise the same concern in society because' "decriminalized" in the minds of those who practice the result of individualism become impatient with rules and restrictions of any kind. Finally, pay attention to all the interests involved: the fight against crime, when gliding in demagoguery and simplification in some areas may 'find supporters even in members of the crime' was organized, thus distracting 'attention law enforcement and still more 'in their business undisturbed.
but I 'also give you a sign of hope. Believe me, there are many people who every day, in the "social" policy, the administration of the city 'is dirty hands. Many groups and associations who through hard work and determination that another attempt to demonstrate safety and 'possible. That where reception is built, where people feel recognized, for this 'want to assume the same duties and responsibilities', they want to participate as citizens in the municipality.

The legality ', which' required, must be based on proximity 'and social justice. Asking others to comply with a law without first putting them in a position to become citizens, and 'make fun of others and ourselves. And the fan connection to establish a "crime of illegal immigration" was born from this mix of cynicism and hypocrisy: instead of limiting illegal immigration 'increase it', thereby increasing suffering, a tendency to crime, fear.
last thing I want to tell you, dear lady. I hope that this photo that shows her together with your loved ones can shake just a little 'our consciences. Serve a look inside and ask ourselves if this indeed be 'the direction in which we want to go. Stimulate feelings of care, concern, empathy, that many Italians, believe me - even after they were children and grandchildren of migrants - Continue to feed. The
embrace, wherever you are at this moment, with her husband and her children. And let me tell you that I do on behalf of the many who believe and are committed to a more 'fair and more' human.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why Is Scott The Strongest Paper Towel

Viva Zapatero

was so long in my head to see him, to be honest for years I had said: "From now I'll look .."...
Then time passes and forget .. end in an afternoon anonymous brings out a great film "Viva Zapatero" .. I had heard a lot of good, but not many ..
It 's a great film, even a great film about freedom of expression enshrined in our Constitution (which unfortunately seems to be becoming more Volume a large dusty and useless) ..
The events that succeeded long ago against Sabina Guzzanti, Biagi (honor and remembrance for the great journalist), Santoro, Luttazzi, Tagliafico, Rossi importance that have .... tsk tsk
What do you want to give a damn if we Italians made a stupid ranking by Freedom House (un'osservatorio of dubious international importance) are placed at 77th place, such as freedom of expression, behind Botswana and Fiji Islands ...
What a shame!
Oh wait, however, Mongolia is beneath us! Yay at least there is someone worse than us .. so we like to do so .. when something goes ill say, "Oh well, better than the unfortunate ..."
From the movie made me feel particularly a speech by Furio Colombo .. This guy has discovered in his father's library a collection of newspapers Corriere della Sera (rag unimportant in Italy comparable to TV smiles and songs) and there flipping through day after day it was noticed how fascism is born .. as more and more , was imposed by force and by threats .. and with the false illusion that democracy was still there ..
any reference to persons or property Republics existence is purely coincidental .. Today the tax is manifested in other ways but there .. and clearly violates our eyes glued to the TV .. make you understand that you can do what you want but ... Be careful of what you do .. because it can go in your career, your future, places that you may or may not have .. and in the meantime you feel dissatisfied because you see so many people rewarded, you feel very marginalized ..
and then choose .. to be on the safe side .. But Italian
you so you feel comfortable because somewhere there is someone who thinks you can think and blissfully at your stuff ..
such thing will never change the voice of a person .. to what it can say no, make their voices heard, much less protest (in all its forms) ..
So it is useless, as long as we continue to accept conspiratorial silence .. with this behavior (like) mafia .. things can not change ..
... and then .. Viva Zapatero !!!!!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Temperature Sensor Body Temperature

Just Mafia!
On this site we try to help Roberto Saviano in his battle.
In a letter to the President of the Republic
there is all the will to change,
to say stop this mindset Mafia
to help a great man and

to make him feel the support of all true Italian citizens
Roberto we are with you

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sasusaku Highschool Fanfiction Love

Nice play from the site of the Republic

Dawn Of Pokemon Pregnant

Thanks because

I thank you because you were close before

to be my man and why you want a friend

not a shield next to you ..
graces that go your way
full of stones like mine ..
thanks for even reach out and find out your ..
I live like you confused pink fairy tales ...
not ask more. Thank you for

you made me feel that I can fly without you I
rest in your eyes I see with your eyes more
thanks so far
also reach out and find your
with you every time and 'the first time I'm not afraid
near you. Thank you for

we are not alone because we are not alone thanks

still not afraid to live alone with you thanks because

oh oh oh oh too far ...
reach out and find your tent out and you're there ...

Friday, May 9, 2008

What Does A Goider Look Like

May 9, 1978 .. 30 years ..

" There is a scene from the movie that explains everything. My brother who fights with my father, I run after him to calm him down and he leads me, step by step, to the house of Tano Badalamenti. The distance is in fact only a hundred paces. Still, he says Pepper in the film, the few meters separating two opposing worlds: that of honest people, workers, and one of the murderers and abusers. Well, this may be the metaphor of the story of my brother: you can live in the same microcosm, even under the same roof, as happened between Peppino and my father, and be light-years away. At the same time, the space of just a hundred yards makes you realize how tenuous the boundaries of the choice between good and evil .

Giovanni Impastato

is what you've done something extraordinary, someone calls him courage

the other caller
madness I call it love for the dignity

and rights of man.

courage of these crowds every day we have an extreme need

and is the force that drives us every day

to reject the "stench of moral compromise" .. Thanks

Marco Del Pezzo

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Skin Peeling Off Scrotom

Mission 7

.. and there's also Google Maps! And waiting to process the post on "Icarus", here is the link

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bump Inside Of Lip Piercing

.. nuisance cat 2 ..

Other videos about this amazing cat ...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How Many Calories In A Bag Of Popcorn Orville


to know and appreciate your business, your product in a territory with high potential for tourism and culture as that of the Province of Chieti and the Sangro Aventino is a difficult, if the subject is proposed that these objectives are not able to impress from the other party emotionally.

Giving form and content to the idea of \u200b\u200ba product is the key to success, the right way to succeed and be appreciated.

L 'Aventino Production was established in 2001 by a group of tour operators and cultural experiences and stories behind ten and Val Aventine in their DNA.

An area that wishes to confirm its potential need to address the problem of " not age, to adjust that style in the world that walks.
Professionalism, efficiency and above all know-how are the characteristics that have allowed this team to produce a series of achievements in the field of cultural events and services.

During these years Aventine Production confirmed certain skills through the organization of Awning of Culture and Performing Arts in Gessopalena, the organization 's Aventino Blues Festival (seven times), the production of the film documentary Aventino Blues Explotion submitted to the critical and institutions proving a huge success, Tsunami a "cultural bridge" between the Abruzzo and the Balkans, the Baraccone tent show in Gessopalena the Vie del Gusto, food and wine itinerary in search of the culinary traditions of past.

The rapid implementation of these projects in the short time available, along with the overall research content more defined and definitive, while making clear our desire to confirm the action in a trade with a high content of innovation.
This letter is intended to be our little business card, so that the professional and cultural relations between the Aventine and Production Institutions Public and private can find the right form of synergy and collaboration for the future.

Aventine Production is:
  • Planning and organizing cultural events and entertainment;
  • Travel Services, Audiovisual Production
  • ;
  • Creation of spaces for the show;
  • communication and advertising;
  • Organizing ;
  • Press.

President Thomas D'Amelio

Friday, January 18, 2008

Oxnard Ca Surf Report

The early experience of music dating from the middle of Bertoli 60. These are moments that Pierre never forgot, as they represent the first attempts in the art, the beginnings of what would later become a true profession. "I've always loved music, he said, since I was small. But even then I was honored because I like Frank Sinatra, I believe I was the only child of 12-13 years who liked Frank Sinatra."
At one point he began writing songs in dialect and began to take their first concerts with very young boys near Sassuolo. In '73 in the middle of the political stage, he recorded his first 45 laps with Bruno and Bartolo Lollo Zacquini entitled Marcia love / To tell you I love you . The next year, after touring Italy for a long and wide, he sees the light red color of love that was distributed mainly in Germany. Bertoli In 1975 he performed together with Fabrizio de Andrè in Reggio Emilia in an event organized by peace groups. His new album is called Roca blues and contains 12 pieces including 6 in and 6 in Italian dialect including Yet blows. In October '76 the album blows Yet he can sell just 30,000 copies. The album's lyrics are already showing considerable depth especially the song of the same name. To tell you I love you , Evenings of Gallipoli and not win, all tracks associated with strong feelings like love, friendship, desire for freedom and justice. In October '77 Bertoli goes to Milan to record the new album the middle of the river . It 's probably the most hard disk and homogeneous which shows the artist in the arrogance of belonging to the left-wing ideology. The lyrics are real its warnings, explicit political positions supported by exceptional musicians. At the end of '79 comes A hard-nosed with 8 songs that allow the singer to make the quantum leap in terms of trade: his human character, his voice, his anger is tinged with melancholy that we finally have the audience deserve. In 1980, as affected Some moments last contract . The new album marks a turning point for Bertoli gratified to finally get to see his art. Scale the charts thanks to the radio success of Fisherman duet with Fiorella Mannoia. Four years after leaving the window another popular success, which contains large openings on contemporary issues and questions uncomfortable Warsaw, In 2000, Maddalena , The horizon. In December of 1990 created the first masterpiece, musically sharp with words to the right place, the moon rose from the mountain that presented at the Festival of Sanremo in tandem with the Tazenda, it quickly becomes a big success. A year later he goes back to Italy Sanremo with the song of gold. In 1993, the thirteen songs from my years Bertoli close collaboration with Ricordi. This is perhaps the most successful singer-songwriter album.
hundreds of concerts all over Italy. Collaborations with the greatest Italian authors as de Andrè, Guccini , Treves, From , Ligabue etc. .. This is a photograph of Pierangelo Bertoli sadly died in 2001 after a serious illness.
The group that ended the career and with whom he performed in the last eight years of his life consisted of Sandro D'Antonio on bass, Fabrizio Medori acoustic guitar and vocals, Febo Flora on electric guitar and vocals, Vince Irelli on keyboards and vocals and Pierluigi Calderoni , legendary drummer of the Bank of mutual aid. This is the group still, with the collaboration of Thomas D'Amelio the voice is continuing to spread in the hearts of all lovers of music and the memory of the great Pierangelo Bertoli.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How To Write A Bengali Wedding Card

Pierangelo Bertoli Pierangelo Bertoli

  1. Cultural Association Aventine Production & Event Services, based in Gessopalena (Ch), in collaboration with the City of Gessopalena, the Community Montana Middle Sangro Aventino, the Province of Chieti, Regione Abruzzo, the network information centers, organizes the first edition of Pierangelo Bertoli, review the competition reserved exclusively to books of fiction, a short literary and music.
  2. The competition is open only to authors residing in the country aged 14 years.
  3. The themes of the award are: loneliness, alienation, Handicap, Misery.
  4. are allowed to work after the presentation of other reviews noting the fact that he has not received awards or distinctions.
  5. Membership Award is € 30.00 payable to the bank account of Carichieti, a subsidiary of Torricella Peligna (CH) to the following IBAN No. IT66H0605077900CC0670080570, held by Aventine Production & Event Services. Each author should attach a registration form indicating you are, age, address, title, size, duration and year of completion. Contestants must send to the literary section, bound and printed material for the musical CD. The material sent to the selection phase will not be returned. The books of fiction participants are excluded from registration and payment of the prize share of € 30.00. Books can be sent by the publishers into 3 copies to the address art. 7.
  6. Each author assumes personally any liability to third parties about the content of the works presented.
  7. The works, together with the registration form and a photocopy of the payment must be sent to the following address: Aventine Production & Event Services, Largo Charity 6 Gessopalena 66010 (Ch) not later than June 25, 2008. Will the postmark.
  8. All selected works will be presented on days 5 to 6 July 2008 at the Teatro Comunale di Gessopalena. The selection committee will report to Aventine Production & Event Services. The evaluation of the jury, whose members will be announced in the press, are unquestionable. In the early works, both in the literary section that of the musical, the jury will award a prize of € 1500.00 each plus the publication of No. 100 copies of the short and 100 copies of the CD plus travel and accommodation for two people. The jury can also give references to works of particular merit.
  9. Participation in the competition implies acceptance of this Regulation. At the direction of the event has the final decision on controversial cases and on matters not expressly provided.
  10. Information: Aventine Production & Event Services-largoCarità, 6-66010 Gessopalena (Ch) - E-mail: - mobile: 349 3611945 .

What Doctor Should I See For Stools


Award Pierangelo Bertoli "first edition
Gessopalena 5 / 6 July 2008

" Abruzzo retains only a few images, but only parts of these dating from the impossible I can never forget the rain that forced me to Gessopalena the exhibition in a small theater but gremitissimo of people from throughout the region. "
Thus began an interview with the singer of Sassuolo in 1987 to a regional newspaper. Since then, many young people of the country they loved and appreciated so much that follow him everywhere in his concerts and he has returned to Gessopalena three times during his career.
To remember, to pay homage to a character in "inconvenient" for the mass Italian sideboard, our Association has decided to establish an award that will also be a contribution, however, a serious reflection on a world, what the disability, of which often talk about but which must be made concrete actions, deep, if we want more modern.
We want to talk about this world of loneliness, exclusion, disadvantage and we want to describe, tell, tell, sing through this dedicated his award to P. Bertoli, one of the few Italian singers who has spent his life as a "handicapped" to describe the lives of so many "strange" of our Italy.
The Award is divided into two sections of narrative and music. Two juries
the first composed by Arnaldo Colasanti professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, literary critic, Franco Trequadrini professor at the University of L'Aquila and Massimo Pamio writer and critic.
The second, the music, led by Experience Tnt famous singer-songwriter originally from Abruzzo and Paul Falessi group of Bicycle Thieves and musician and songwriter Antonio Santirocco RAI.
The notice expires June 25. The final evening will be held on July 5 and 6 always Gessopalena in Theatre.
The program provides for two evenings of 5 over the awarding of the winner of the music section of the exhibition Mimmo Locasciulli, the Bicycle Thieves known Roman group composed of disabled children and the hard-nosed team that accompanied P. Bertoli in the last years of his career and will do a rundown of his most famous songs.
On July 6, in addition to the awards section of the letter shall be a meeting with the winner, reading pages of the book and a debate on the issue of disability to be attended by among others Michael Caporossi Director of ASL Lanciano-Vasto.
all coordinated by a journalist from RAI.
For more information: Thomas D'Amelio 3493611945 -
Please note that the award was made possible thanks to the partnership of the Province of Chieti and legal aid and assistance of the City of Gessopalena, Mountain Community Middle Sangro Aventino, Regione Abruzzo and ASL Lanciano-Vasto.