Thursday, January 17, 2008

How To Write A Bengali Wedding Card

Pierangelo Bertoli Pierangelo Bertoli

  1. Cultural Association Aventine Production & Event Services, based in Gessopalena (Ch), in collaboration with the City of Gessopalena, the Community Montana Middle Sangro Aventino, the Province of Chieti, Regione Abruzzo, the network information centers, organizes the first edition of Pierangelo Bertoli, review the competition reserved exclusively to books of fiction, a short literary and music.
  2. The competition is open only to authors residing in the country aged 14 years.
  3. The themes of the award are: loneliness, alienation, Handicap, Misery.
  4. are allowed to work after the presentation of other reviews noting the fact that he has not received awards or distinctions.
  5. Membership Award is € 30.00 payable to the bank account of Carichieti, a subsidiary of Torricella Peligna (CH) to the following IBAN No. IT66H0605077900CC0670080570, held by Aventine Production & Event Services. Each author should attach a registration form indicating you are, age, address, title, size, duration and year of completion. Contestants must send to the literary section, bound and printed material for the musical CD. The material sent to the selection phase will not be returned. The books of fiction participants are excluded from registration and payment of the prize share of € 30.00. Books can be sent by the publishers into 3 copies to the address art. 7.
  6. Each author assumes personally any liability to third parties about the content of the works presented.
  7. The works, together with the registration form and a photocopy of the payment must be sent to the following address: Aventine Production & Event Services, Largo Charity 6 Gessopalena 66010 (Ch) not later than June 25, 2008. Will the postmark.
  8. All selected works will be presented on days 5 to 6 July 2008 at the Teatro Comunale di Gessopalena. The selection committee will report to Aventine Production & Event Services. The evaluation of the jury, whose members will be announced in the press, are unquestionable. In the early works, both in the literary section that of the musical, the jury will award a prize of € 1500.00 each plus the publication of No. 100 copies of the short and 100 copies of the CD plus travel and accommodation for two people. The jury can also give references to works of particular merit.
  9. Participation in the competition implies acceptance of this Regulation. At the direction of the event has the final decision on controversial cases and on matters not expressly provided.
  10. Information: Aventine Production & Event Services-largoCarità, 6-66010 Gessopalena (Ch) - E-mail: - mobile: 349 3611945 .


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