Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baitbus Accounts Free

Do not touch my brain

Almost forgot: here is the Sofisticator! :) Sorry for the audio

That little voice that screams "Do not touch my brain" I am. The know all. Great guys, except that every now and then you go for hunting your great!

How To Change Tilt On Lacrosse Helmet

13/03/2011 - 17.00 hours approximately

We had an accident. It 'was a strange incident because no one came to him, we were making a small curve to the left on the highway in the rain in the area between Sestri Levante and the board and suddenly we found ourselves hurled on the wall of the right airbag exploded, grinding sound, the left guardrail and tossed into the galleries on the wall of the right. Strip side until the machine, finally, did not stop. Smoke inside the car, a white powder and away out of the car soon.
I ask Mary if you are right, I confirmed, yes, I do not know what to do. He tells me to call the traffic police, but I call them they ask me where I am. I do not know where they are, do not really know. After Sestri Levante? After Chiavari? I ask you to call me back within 5 minutes I look at the GPS location system while Mary the triangle after the second half was destroyed by a passing car at full speed. Meanwhile, the road comes, and I am the phone rings. I answer and it was the road. I tell him that their colleague is already there, "But how can this be?" I do not know, but it exists. Talk to each other and connecting I just came to say that luck that I damaged the freeway, otherwise I would have to pay a fine. Meanwhile me the list of violations and reports that will do me. In that moment I turn off the brain.
Shortly after the arrival of traffic police here also the tow truck that pulls up the car and "port security" outside the tunnel. Before I had asked if we wanted an ambulance, I do not know. I have a swollen arm and bruises and then and there I think I broke essermelo but feel no pain for the adrenaline in my body. So I say yes, I want an ambulance. And wonder what would happen. The cop tells me that I would have come in the ambulance and my friend would have been there: but how? And how meet? Shrugs and says that she join me in some way. But how to reach me somehow? In short, bring us security and an ambulance arrives. I lay on the stretcher, on a orange plastic thing they call the "cord", making Mary the first to sit there next to me. I took the camera out of the car and the laptop I did not want to leave them in the car. They decide to take us to the emergency room of Lavagna. Beats: I 90, Mary 110. They say the girl is "obviously" upset. Delicacy zero. There
hospital discharge, triage do get Mary for the record, I am coming carried on a stretcher in a big room, feeling already known and smiles to people's compassion that meeting. I've calmed down, they are ok calm. My mom does not know yet if not the seize a heart attack. Do 'news to my sister got a voice so quiet that does not care. We carry orthopedic separately and then do the rays, nothing broken but Maria won the shoulder subluxation. Then call
Stark wanted to call just out of the car after the accident but rightly Maria stops me, "Do not take a heart attack at the poor boy." All right. But when I call they are quiet, he looks calm. And finally, I can think of the pads, left in a rucksack. And who knows why then, because I had to take only the next morning. So I ask politely if they can get one by type, the rest are in hospital. Their response is "I do not know how to help." Then call the tow truck asking to expect to take back the backpacks. They tell us to go to the front desk to call us a taxi to take us to Sestri Levante where the machine. We find the reception (while an ATM to withdraw) and ask politely if you can call a taxi. It gives us a slip of paper with the number. Maria and I are undecided if you want the board to be razed to the ground (oh no offense to those who live there) or laugh about it. However, call a taxi and I mean that we are at the emergency room but wrong, in fact the first taxi that comes running into a corner and disappears from our view of the gatehouse and the little woman says that that is the entrance of the hospital and the emergency room. Argh. It makes us the courtesy to call the emergency room and turn it back. Destination, Sestri Levante. We now than 19.30, closing time but we were waiting, and then take the pack and while seeking a hotel with internet access on your iPhone (and fuck who teases me, we have been very useful) and I find a hotel, the Pension Suisse, in a spit away. The taxi takes us, and finally bed. The hotel is scrausissimo but has a bed, a bathroom with shower (which we will not use anyway because at least for me I have no shower), the gentleman who greeted us was very kind and finally rest after the mishap. Let to obtain food and ask for advice, so we recommend a pizza restaurant "La Previn" which then turns out to be delicious. A Sesti Levante people seem much nicer. Maybe we were lucky and unlucky in Lavagna Sestri Levante but here is all smiles and kindness. We are spoiled with good food (similRecco cake for me and pasta to pesto and pine nuts for Maria) and me with a ration of sweet. Joked that we should exploit this incident for what to get us double rations of ognicosa especially sweet. Finished making jelly and also bought two bottles of water for the night back in the room. I resent Stark (pointless to ask whether the board is a wifi connection or similar) that was preoccupatino, so calm and reassure us short and we get to sleep. Even the next day because we have to find a rental car because no one can come to catch up. But it is a thought for the day after, I think absolutely not until the following day and as soon greeted Stark, drop dead on the bed. The night is chilly and I wake up quite a lot 'of times accoffolarmi better about myself and keep me warm.
the next morning, ready and most responsive we act to find something and the only thing I find is the avis of Chiavari. Come on, now we are there to turn all ste towns, let us also Chiavari. Mary calls but want to find out that the credit card. So I tell the lady that we had an accident and do not know how to return to Turin: tender, perhaps, I do not know, but eventually says that there will be a deposit of 250 €. Okay, wow. Between that and have nothing, I would say better than that. Breakfast and then another taxi, another round, another race. Avis arrive where we do not make bail (I'll send flowers to the lady in question) and give us a point Ages Ok, abide by the guide at a time of Sestri Levante, but the browser makes us take the highway and wrong road so we are forced to do a damn bit 'of miles more. But in the end we make it and now comes the hard work. Practice Guidelines for the scrapping (for the air bag exploded, it would take 2000 €), empty the 600 (I did not say that it was almost a move? Low, vacuum cleaner, various stuff, then remove from car stereo cd and everything else), pay deposit + tow + demolition. 390 €. Face. Let's find a cash machine but I can take only 250 €, it helps me Mary. Loaded machine, come on. Towards Turin. Very slowly because the Evo is very slow. Dammorire slow.
Anyway now that I'm writing this post I raised the bandages. My arm seems to go from gangrene is black. Only the sight of crap is convinced me to return to the emergency room, I will go tomorrow. Maria is back today and they found whiplash and frozen shoulder for good. Hospital Lavagna, unfortunately, were not as good.

arrive in Turin last adventure, return the car Avis had said that there be ongoing Turati 37. Let's go, but there is a Hertz explains that yes there was once the avis, but two years now, not anymore. I shudder at the thought of having to go to Turin, it's almost 18:30 deadline for the return of the machine. We are told that there is a branch not far away, in fact we get there in 5 minutes and we break the machine. An adventure. That would not ever have. But sometimes there is.
Here are some photos of the car a bit 'route. And my arm bruise.

Song of the Day: Manic Street Preachers featuring Nina Persson - Your Love Alone Is Not Enough

best companion I could have an accident anyway. maria, we tostissime.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Acne Cyst Leave Alone

Okay, tonight I got a little 'things. I understand that it is not worth taking it to people who do not deserve even our anger. I realized that I had better things to understand before, but most of all, I do not feel guilty about anything.

How To Change Weave Styles Like Myammee

Never discuss with an idiot. People might not notice the difference

Arthur Bloch,
Murphy's Laws

How To Make Mini Mouse Ears


The blog and diary languish. But I have little time and I must prepare myself that tomorrow we leave for Florence. They play the Sofisticator. How about me? Mha, I say.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cervical Mucous Chunky

Do not underestimate

begin to tell this thing from the last day.
Number one: sometimes underestimate people, like my mom.
M: "How was your interview?"
Me: "Well, I took it!"
M: "they took?"
Me: "Yes, but it is a course of two months'
M:" What is an internship? "
Me: "Hmm Well, you know the course I'm doing? Well, for two months they send me to train people directly in a company"
M: "Oh good" I
: "There would be one thing, the stage is not in Turin"
M: "Where is he?"
Me: "Well, in Bologna"
M: "So for two months you'll be in Bologna"
Me: "Well if all goes well, the intention is to remain"
M: "Well, so you also have friends in Bologna (eh..) goes well, if you need help let me know the rent "
From my mother I was expecting at least a "Mha" sucked, so much anxiety as the Molise dry. Mha of my mom means "fuck that" either or "how nice," depending on context. In some cases interpreters as "'a ncul sorreta" or "I burned the roast, but that remember my mom always said anything with a dry and aspiratissimo "Mha!"
A party who gives the word taboo, or "help". When I hear that word I have an outbreak of rashes on the face and my vocal chords can only say this string of characters "No, because I do alone."
But I was silent for a while '.
Then my vocal cords could not resist and I said "No need, for now, thanks."
Then afterwards my biggest effort, which was not interviewed as many suspected, has been exceeded.
In reality it was a rather distressing day for several verses. First
at lunch I had the bright idea of \u200b\u200bhow much I talk to Rocco is going on emotionally. I should not have? I should have? The communication was broken abruptly by the arrival of the course manager, you can imagine how I felt I could be, I have feelings of guilt only to keep your shoes untied. Not being able to immediately clarify my beautiful ansietta are kept me there. The
we announced that we will charge a project in pairs. I have been associated with one of which barely know the sound of the voice because we will have spoken, yes and no 5 times throughout the course. In fact we look quizzically. And she confirms that we are the pair that creates more doubt. Ever, ever get in trouble, eh? Anxiety number two.
shame that at 15 I have to go out, go home and change, I'm dressed so indecent and I have a conversation with a man (yes a man, and yes I know, I was pretty down on myself for an interview, but just not this morning We had "equal opportunity" as a subject? Sese but there are equal opportunities? yes ... But should) go to the center and Piero della Francesca, a colossal monument to concrete filled with companies and no possibility to park. Too bad that today I was also a psychologist. I have to call and move.
get there and find parking outside the complex. I widened my beautiful green eyes that I do not see the truth.
Meanwhile, I was anxious about everything except for the interview.
psychologist and I'll call the move an appointment for Monday, March 21, and goes well, it is a bit 'in there but you have to do?
Within the complex and there is also an information point, send me the fifth floor. Elevator very small, especially for the claustrophobic I think. Check on the fifth floor corridor long style hotel in The Shining, I walk and watch the door hoping to find room 237 and finally living my horror films. But nothing. The corridor is without life, there are no rooms with bloody sticks walking stick walking and I find my company colloquiante.
sound and I ad. They make me sit down. I wait and wait and wait.
a little bit I asunder. And wait. I lean for a moment to take a magazine on the table and pretend to read but I realize that they are sitting on the chair has wheels and the risk of putting forward in his chair doing a wonderful landmark figure (Saturday I made two already, we want to talk about it?). I get back on track.
comes a little man's smile was thinking for me. It is not for me, but smiled back.
comes another man in a hurry. He gives me his hand to the flight that I can barely squeeze in all that he has only slightly slowed but not stopped. Before me in a room which is perhaps an office, perhaps his office, perhaps a meeting room, I think I have not seen anything because the guy in question has never lifted their eyes from my eyes and I could not look down (the guard).
First question: "But why Bologna?" This
I studied, I'm ready, "Bologna is a city child, my interest would be to live there and, in the hope of a future job prospects, meanwhile, began an internship there."
Never lower your eyes, is disturbing.
I explained briefly that the stage will be on VBA (I think about what it is but I do not care), I say that is fine with me that it's good enough for my head, for that there are no problems.
"Yes we would be concerned, for us there are absolutely no problems, if you want you can also do an internship in PHP or Java but the problem is that now we do not work that type, so would be in front of a PC but would do nothing to professionalizing, while VBA we have real things to make them do "
to me is fine, I say. He is well, to me is fine, we're good . colloquium ended. He left his business card and a little while ago I sent him an email to confirm your e-mail from my manager. What can I say. It 's done.
I get home and chat with rocks, perhaps I'm sorry I should not tell her, but reassured me again. And 'I did not want you to know from these pages, or facebook, or twitter, I preferred the feel of me. Then he could also send me to draw but I think I did the right thing .
And now I think of May. Steps baby in May.

Today, no song. I am music.

I leave you with this gem that is one of my favorite movies: D

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Turn Off Camera Sound 5630

As usual, trains

This weekend I was in Bologna. But I'm not here to tell you about the weekend, more like a journey.
That was spectacular.

to go to Bologna I took a frecciasminchiola. But it was not the day. The train was delayed and stopped shortly after Porta Susa. It seems that a man has thrown off a bridge, crashing into the train. They are tactless, I know.
But that's all. The train waited for the police and we were stopped for about three hours before leaving. We arrive at Milano Centrale where we announce that we will have to change trains, sin concerned that the train had just left and would come from Turin to Milan at 0:15 (I was supposed to be in Bologna at 20.20). General anger.
We send customer service that is closed and a poor scapegoat comes to us to explain the situation. But there is little to explain, we are there in the cold waiting for a train from there to arrive an hour and a half. Uh
looks good, we prepared a bag for dinner. I open and inside was a bottle of water and a pack of Loacker. How would a nerd, fail abbestia.
comes a homeless man who takes advantage of the confusion to take away bags 4-5. Maximum respect but who knows that he will not be disappointed.
Luckily the train arrives all'opportunissima at 23.45 and at the end of one hour of night arrival in Bologna.
But we want to talk back?
Come back I had an IC at 14:46. An hour late. We decide to take a ride in the center of Bologna, but miscalculated the time and miss the train, we also lose the next one and take the train of 16.40. Not bad.
more time.
Bella Bologna. The charm of the tiny town without the tourist hordes of invading other cities.
The history of the arcades is pretty funny here a brief explanation here.

Smelly Pee And Discharge


As I go through life without hurting people. How I wish.
There are so many things happening this weekend: a lunch Birthday Ikea Bologna, figures poop collection, wedding march playing in my head, fifteen of thirty-somethings who feel.
lives. Lived.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fire Belly Toad And Dwarf Frogs

No Armageddon Me and my things today

One moment I share with you this wonderful day. Well firstly I got the * real * test result Programming Techniques, or 100/100 (I wrote a few days ago 90/100, not bad, just wrong). Overall outcome of the matter 23/25 (penalized only by absence, having entered one month after the start of the course this thing weighs enough). The biggest surprise was the test object-oriented programming that I thought I had passed only with the sufficiency pulled and instead turned out to be a brilliant 80/100 (overall evaluation of the material 25/25). Guys, what to say.
But it's over.
I receive a reply from a company in Bologna for the Stage (tralaltro company with offices in Turin, Milan and Bologna). They have nothing for me in Java / Oracle, but if they are interested, they can offer me work in Php and VBA. I speak with the manager of the course that tells me it's ok. It will be harder for me because I have to learn PHP but does not see me in trouble, indeed. They are a valuable element, "says (self +1000), and did not trouble to send me to stage starting tomorrow. Knowing that even though I was playing zero programming, in short, are scope.
I just responded to the company and keep our fingers crossed. I am always optimistic and I am increasingly convinced that when you smile at life, life itself smiles. Naive? Maybe a little '. But today I'm fine.
Stay hungry, stay foolish. Always.

sushino Now that we have a shower with some classmates. A hip hip hooray for me and a hug to the whole world.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hair Thinning At Front

Here we go again. Another two and a half weeks late and sclero you know, the more you know you should get, the more you thought. But * not * the thought, that thought. In the stock market thought because you keep the Mooncup that still cluttered. And since you use the Mooncup perhaps hoping to hold on tight I say find a clean bathroom, but at least walk.
So I have a very old remedy to speed: the pregnancy test. Buying a pregnancy test and it brings in 99.9% of cases, the problem is resolved within the next day. Porto Auchan where my beautiful ass tripped in the pharmacy department, including a lubricant can also be used as a massage oil and a thousand packages of cleansers (all with different pH eh?). So I find the different pregnancy tests and I discover that the minimum cost is 9 €. But we are mad? That is, the last few times I've thrown away as 9 euros? The package is devastating
tralaltro: rosina with the flowers. And over the word "used earlier 's expected cycle.
I decided that I will yield to blackmail another of my period, and that fanculizzino too. They will come when they want to reach.
Yesterday I sent curricula around Bologna, which I should have done Also today, but as you can see I'm here to fuck nicely on the blog. In any case I still have time. CVs were 23, now I get a response. That is not the answer, it was a "Oh, we have based in Turin, Milan, Bologna and mica do not know where we want to go, eh? ". But to me it goes well, means you do not have trashed my mail, so I replied stating that my request is for the headquarters in Bologna. Then I thought but how the hell do I do talks? I think the series in every detail.
I'll think about. I just have a response time not too long, so I can plan the rest (whether looking for a room or deck to stay under for example), moving, and everything.
problems that came to my mind: no work (but the stage will be worth?), I can get a doctor for a prescription of my pads (type in Florence if you do not study and do not work you're an outcast of society and you are not entitled to medical family, you can only hope it reaches you something so serious as to be able to use the emergency room)? Visits as otherwise the book? The machine, the port? I'll leave it to rot here? The residence will be able getting May 1? In May, plus I also visit dall'endocrinologo payment and car insurance.
Possible solutions: get a supply of pills before the two-month internship. Move the visit in July (so you can book ognicosa here). Arrange with the insurance (which maremmina you recommend them, I changed three addresses in the last 3 years and have always mistaken the address to which to send the coupon, it should bhe).
But I'm optimistic. Or as I would on twitter: # optimistic.

Song of the day: Everybody Needs Somebody Blues Brothers