Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baitbus Accounts Free

Do not touch my brain

Almost forgot: here is the Sofisticator! :) Sorry for the audio

That little voice that screams "Do not touch my brain" I am. The know all. Great guys, except that every now and then you go for hunting your great!

How To Change Tilt On Lacrosse Helmet

13/03/2011 - 17.00 hours approximately

We had an accident. It 'was a strange incident because no one came to him, we were making a small curve to the left on the highway in the rain in the area between Sestri Levante and the board and suddenly we found ourselves hurled on the wall of the right airbag exploded, grinding sound, the left guardrail and tossed into the galleries on the wall of the right. Strip side until the machine, finally, did not stop. Smoke inside the car, a white powder and away out of the car soon.
I ask Mary if you are right, I confirmed, yes, I do not know what to do. He tells me to call the traffic police, but I call them they ask me where I am. I do not know where they are, do not really know. After Sestri Levante? After Chiavari? I ask you to call me back within 5 minutes I look at the GPS location system while Mary the triangle after the second half was destroyed by a passing car at full speed. Meanwhile, the road comes, and I am the phone rings. I answer and it was the road. I tell him that their colleague is already there, "But how can this be?" I do not know, but it exists. Talk to each other and connecting I just came to say that luck that I damaged the freeway, otherwise I would have to pay a fine. Meanwhile me the list of violations and reports that will do me. In that moment I turn off the brain.
Shortly after the arrival of traffic police here also the tow truck that pulls up the car and "port security" outside the tunnel. Before I had asked if we wanted an ambulance, I do not know. I have a swollen arm and bruises and then and there I think I broke essermelo but feel no pain for the adrenaline in my body. So I say yes, I want an ambulance. And wonder what would happen. The cop tells me that I would have come in the ambulance and my friend would have been there: but how? And how meet? Shrugs and says that she join me in some way. But how to reach me somehow? In short, bring us security and an ambulance arrives. I lay on the stretcher, on a orange plastic thing they call the "cord", making Mary the first to sit there next to me. I took the camera out of the car and the laptop I did not want to leave them in the car. They decide to take us to the emergency room of Lavagna. Beats: I 90, Mary 110. They say the girl is "obviously" upset. Delicacy zero. There
hospital discharge, triage do get Mary for the record, I am coming carried on a stretcher in a big room, feeling already known and smiles to people's compassion that meeting. I've calmed down, they are ok calm. My mom does not know yet if not the seize a heart attack. Do 'news to my sister got a voice so quiet that does not care. We carry orthopedic separately and then do the rays, nothing broken but Maria won the shoulder subluxation. Then call
Stark wanted to call just out of the car after the accident but rightly Maria stops me, "Do not take a heart attack at the poor boy." All right. But when I call they are quiet, he looks calm. And finally, I can think of the pads, left in a rucksack. And who knows why then, because I had to take only the next morning. So I ask politely if they can get one by type, the rest are in hospital. Their response is "I do not know how to help." Then call the tow truck asking to expect to take back the backpacks. They tell us to go to the front desk to call us a taxi to take us to Sestri Levante where the machine. We find the reception (while an ATM to withdraw) and ask politely if you can call a taxi. It gives us a slip of paper with the number. Maria and I are undecided if you want the board to be razed to the ground (oh no offense to those who live there) or laugh about it. However, call a taxi and I mean that we are at the emergency room but wrong, in fact the first taxi that comes running into a corner and disappears from our view of the gatehouse and the little woman says that that is the entrance of the hospital and the emergency room. Argh. It makes us the courtesy to call the emergency room and turn it back. Destination, Sestri Levante. We now than 19.30, closing time but we were waiting, and then take the pack and while seeking a hotel with internet access on your iPhone (and fuck who teases me, we have been very useful) and I find a hotel, the Pension Suisse, in a spit away. The taxi takes us, and finally bed. The hotel is scrausissimo but has a bed, a bathroom with shower (which we will not use anyway because at least for me I have no shower), the gentleman who greeted us was very kind and finally rest after the mishap. Let to obtain food and ask for advice, so we recommend a pizza restaurant "La Previn" which then turns out to be delicious. A Sesti Levante people seem much nicer. Maybe we were lucky and unlucky in Lavagna Sestri Levante but here is all smiles and kindness. We are spoiled with good food (similRecco cake for me and pasta to pesto and pine nuts for Maria) and me with a ration of sweet. Joked that we should exploit this incident for what to get us double rations of ognicosa especially sweet. Finished making jelly and also bought two bottles of water for the night back in the room. I resent Stark (pointless to ask whether the board is a wifi connection or similar) that was preoccupatino, so calm and reassure us short and we get to sleep. Even the next day because we have to find a rental car because no one can come to catch up. But it is a thought for the day after, I think absolutely not until the following day and as soon greeted Stark, drop dead on the bed. The night is chilly and I wake up quite a lot 'of times accoffolarmi better about myself and keep me warm.
the next morning, ready and most responsive we act to find something and the only thing I find is the avis of Chiavari. Come on, now we are there to turn all ste towns, let us also Chiavari. Mary calls but want to find out that the credit card. So I tell the lady that we had an accident and do not know how to return to Turin: tender, perhaps, I do not know, but eventually says that there will be a deposit of 250 €. Okay, wow. Between that and have nothing, I would say better than that. Breakfast and then another taxi, another round, another race. Avis arrive where we do not make bail (I'll send flowers to the lady in question) and give us a point Ages Ok, abide by the guide at a time of Sestri Levante, but the browser makes us take the highway and wrong road so we are forced to do a damn bit 'of miles more. But in the end we make it and now comes the hard work. Practice Guidelines for the scrapping (for the air bag exploded, it would take 2000 €), empty the 600 (I did not say that it was almost a move? Low, vacuum cleaner, various stuff, then remove from car stereo cd and everything else), pay deposit + tow + demolition. 390 €. Face. Let's find a cash machine but I can take only 250 €, it helps me Mary. Loaded machine, come on. Towards Turin. Very slowly because the Evo is very slow. Dammorire slow.
Anyway now that I'm writing this post I raised the bandages. My arm seems to go from gangrene is black. Only the sight of crap is convinced me to return to the emergency room, I will go tomorrow. Maria is back today and they found whiplash and frozen shoulder for good. Hospital Lavagna, unfortunately, were not as good.

arrive in Turin last adventure, return the car Avis had said that there be ongoing Turati 37. Let's go, but there is a Hertz explains that yes there was once the avis, but two years now, not anymore. I shudder at the thought of having to go to Turin, it's almost 18:30 deadline for the return of the machine. We are told that there is a branch not far away, in fact we get there in 5 minutes and we break the machine. An adventure. That would not ever have. But sometimes there is.
Here are some photos of the car a bit 'route. And my arm bruise.

Song of the Day: Manic Street Preachers featuring Nina Persson - Your Love Alone Is Not Enough

best companion I could have an accident anyway. maria, we tostissime.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Acne Cyst Leave Alone

Okay, tonight I got a little 'things. I understand that it is not worth taking it to people who do not deserve even our anger. I realized that I had better things to understand before, but most of all, I do not feel guilty about anything.

How To Change Weave Styles Like Myammee

Never discuss with an idiot. People might not notice the difference

Arthur Bloch,
Murphy's Laws