Sunday, December 26, 2010

Couplet Poem Creator Online

Susanna and goldfish Oil on canvas. 60x80
Laying Oil on canvas. 70x100

Red! Oil on canvas. 60x90

Sun Oil on canvas in the window. 55x115

probably would not have painted this' ultimate naked, if I had not been asked. The product has too often lying naked pictures silly, I prefer the figure caught in its action, it seems to give more meaning to studying painting to make a gesture, an expression captured in an intimate moment, as the lady who reflects while encircling a cloth, or the artist who draws in the discretion of his office, or the girl who eats a goldfish pond in the shade of some park ... the figure of a woman lying has obvious implications, favorite here the oblong format of the picture, 55x115, which suggests a headboard of the bed. Not that I have nothing against the erotic, I'd much rather be able to produce erotic works, even in action, and certainly know how to set it. If I could live with the sale of pictures, I have a production like this, even citing the valuable hopere dell'Hukio-e, but at present I do not think the case of jobs that would expose problems ..
I found myself having to invent a scene in an inadequate space, the oblong format, leaving little room for elements of setting, so I have played with the lighting effects and some drapery elements present in the other three pieces here played.
Considering these My work on the female figure, I have the feeling of a treatment of the figure, too general education, reflecting the lack of my studio live: working through photographs and anatomical tables, the rest involved in the appearance of "study" which causes a block of interpretation, giving me a result as far away from what I want than it is in my other paintings. Moreover, beginning to paint seriously at the age of fifty, one can not miss an entire path before, but regret the lost time only serves to weaken the spirit, you may try to evoke with desperate obstinacy that has not been , deceiving the passage of time, and focusing, we can occur in a happy situation. Involving other people is the purpose for which an artist performs his art.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Grih Praves 2010 January

The sea

Primaluce Tempera on canvas 25x40

From Sea Oil on canvas 50x60 cm

End horizon oil on canvas cm.30x50

a certain hour Oil on canvas. 30x50

small boat in the evening oil on canvas. 40x50

Light Sea oil on canvas. 50x70

The sea I have attended too little, perhaps for this reason they are fascinated. Painting the sea, trying to make the shimmering perpetual motion and music, with a drone, hypnotic rhythm and melody thin, is laborious, but it gives me the feeling of being there, sparkling waves and movement promotes meditation, as I happen to who draws a mandala.
Painting waves crashing on the rocks, can take advantage of the inherent spectacle of thunderous effect to mask shortcomings. Excluding Turner and a few others, the rough sea endorse the scene on the cheap. I am interested in entering the concept of the image, and the calm expanse of waves aroused in me more depth and mystery of a jumble of sketches and waves, even with a lot of stranded ship.
inspired pointillist technique, which are now used constantly by a dozen years, makes the process longer, because the tone that you could try mixing on the palette, it must be achieved by the juxtaposition of strokes of various colors, that sometimes require drying time to prevent the colors from getting dirty with each other.
The second from the top (oil on canvas 50x60) is the my early days with the arrangement, circa 1998, tentatively on a dominant player in blue, and even the best: take the pigments where it happened, the lack of money did not favor the possibility selective, and in all honesty, this painting, entitled " From the Sea ", I've never been too convinced, though most people liked, including the Maestro Olivieri, whose opinion I always keep in high esteem, is a fact that nobody has ever expressed a desire to buy it, so I keep it as testimony of the period, just after the resumption of oil paint.
Over the next two significant 30x50, painted at different times but with similar mood, so I suggest them as a couple, without success. The above is titled "End of the horizon," and was painted after the other, that's called "After a while, wanting to be the light that fades the shadows before dawn, intent already in the first job Above a temperature del'94. Although undoubtedly figurative, abstract paintings can be seen as the understanding that I do not give any weight to gender differences, but I like to consider the effect of the colors I used in order to give light and space, space that is perceived as feeling, rather than devices built with perspective.
Moreover, it is my belief that the geometric perspective, with leakage points horizon and do not always make us feel in terms of space, with scientific claims, gives a performance, in fact, architecture is understood that by applying the canonical norms are found to be blocked, especially when it comes to central perspective, buying a metaphysical aspect.
I think the closet, I think, of St. Jerome, painted with unparalleled skill and careful application of the rules of perspective, from that Paul Bird who was one of the top researchers, and interior space, so effectively represented, I apparre accessory to the representation of multiple objects and animals depicting the cosmogony of the saint in question. If I think
Instead of a Hokusai landscape, even before the plants, rocks, clouds and birds illustrated, or the waves, I am beginning to consider the feeling of air space.
clear that the comparison does not alter the size of both the Masters, and my inadequate prose only serves to give a real idea of \u200b\u200bthe depth of field in my small size, expressed in the title of the picture painted for the second: the beach , lighthouse and boat damage measuring distances between them without being placed on joint guidelines on the horizon, which is out of context, as in the other two papers reported.
The "little boat in the evening" excludes the horizon with a view to flight, and here begins my research on the shadows cast on the water, I'm carrying on with more substantial works.
That place is basically a job three years ago, a totally invented parsaggio, cm. 50x70 "light on the sea" or "The Song of the waves," which I think I could feel satisfied, while the other is a little detective work, following memories. In the search there are also light and motion, a greater work than I'd like to consider transparency and reflections, all fluid elements, look through the figure to arrive at a representation where the elements are recognizable beyond the figures.
I in this way to continue on the path initiated by the Futurists, in the delirium dispersasi modernistic now, I think, would risk ridicule too risked more than it ever since.
Neither the futurists were disconnected from all the research, pursued for centuries, since the cavemen evoked on the rock that struck the prey in their rites: this is the 'eternal in Painting "claimed by Vincent Van Gogh

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Electrical Outlets In A Travel Trailer

A new award

December 1, 2010 came a new premium
warmly thank cats ovolante that passed me this award, putting my blog list of the twelve selected by you


Ages 12 blogs that I nominate deserving of this wonderful prize
Since many of the blogs I follow have already received the prize, break the rules (I hope I do not want) Spending prize to the first 12 blog friends who pass this way
thank those who have awarded
Write Post a premium for
Enter the connection of each of the blogs that we have chosen
Telling awarded

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Santa Maria Shiplabeled


list of finalists and winners of section B

Poems on love

1. Maria Pia Romano "The fishermen of the time in between"

2. Luigi Channel "Song of Joy"

3. Renzo Furlano "slight veils"

  1. Maria Pia Romano "Silence liquid"
  2. Maria Pia Romano "Love under the fingernails"
  3. Luigi Channel "angle of a soul"
  4. Alberto Cocco "Pages"
  5. Francesco Savino E. Profiti "The value of time"
  6. Alberto Cocco "Another Eden"
  7. Rosanna Gabellone - Putignano (Ba) "Your pain quiet "
  8. Mario Cacciani - Ancona" The ol '
  9. Calogero Gueli - Campobello di Licata (Agrigento), "Where are those enchanted hours"
  10. Tiziana Monari - Prato "The white light "
  11. Chantal Mazzacco - Trigesimo (Udine)" Sighs "
  12. Roberta Mari - Sorano (GR)" The Golden vague "
  13. Sabrina Bordone - Genoa Di race "
  14. Mario Cacciani - Ancona "Without Limits"
  15. Rosa Maria Angel - Vignale Monferrato (Alessandria) "Libero"
  16. Gwendolyn Casasole - Recanati (MC) "De viris illustribus "
  17. Santino Scarcella - Letoianni (Me)" Eleanor "
  18. Christian Bartolini - Ascoli Piceno" Part of me "

People finalists and section B winners

Poems on any subject

1. Roberto Gennaro - Genoa As a psalm of ancient sound "

2. Alice Maria-Grazia Ribecco d'Oglio (Cr) "The clouds are bridged

3. Rocco Luigi Carlo - Bisceglie (Ba) "The petal and geode"

  1. Rocco Luigi Carlo - Bisceglie (Ba) "Illusions of stone"
  2. Massimo Massa Vito - Bari "Colors of Time"
  3. Citizen Anna Laura - Rende (Cs) "September"
  4. Rinallo Rosa Maria - Canicattì (Ag) "Mother of Sorrow"
  5. Alice Maria-Grazia Ribecco d'Oglio (Cr) "fugitive Moon"
  6. Roberto Gennaro - Genoa "Shades of Black 'love'
  7. Miriam De Michele - Portici (Na) "The Idea"
  8. Tavcar John - Trieste "Birth eternal
  9. Maria Pia Romano - San Cesario di Lecce" Clown "
  10. Rosanna Gabellone - Putignano (Ba) "Alytia"
  11. Ladik Donato - Torino "Who knows when!"
  12. Maria Hinton - Scicli (Rg) "predicts"
  13. Rosanna Gabellone - Putignano (Ba) "Beyond the door"
  14. Forlenza Rita - Bari "Photographs"
  15. Fiore Raffaele - Ruvo di Puglia (Ba) "How in distant seas"
  16. Manage Marco - Roma "Cry Africa" \u200b\u200b
  17. Vozza Federica - Parma "Two chips"
  18. MacID Gabriella Maddalena - Malo (Vi) "Evening umbra"

The lyrics of the first 3 Classified Section A - Poetry about love

1st Place


was not the time to watch the moon

when stranded in a case with the look

you touched cuttings of light glimpsed

the gates of a walled shore

houses south-east of the bay were sweating

sanded through passive listening

time half

melted crumbled over the relics of summer

with their lips to the armored incursions

and eyes closed crescent in ampulla

we escaped from the level of closeness

too close to the skin of September

fishermen mirages

waiting dense vapor to become flesh

have sharp words

yet we remained with nets in hand


the junction of salt

to pray the rosary unsaid

Maria Pia Romano

2nd Place


was in bud only yesterday

in these, which are now crumbling bones,

as a child coming from the sea with waves at the foot

and his voice carried me away.


singing a happy time with me today,

soul, this love.

Luigi Channel

3rd Place

slight veils

slight veil veils the moon

discolor the seasons of love

Fragile crushed shells

lie bare wave of misery

Wings infinite

Walked into 'dense air of disappointment

Nothing more can the moon

that is reflected in the well dried

is the room lit

different light

Wonder noise

of a rose petal falling

The surprise of a soap bubble

fading between the fingers

the flavor is found

your kiss

What I

Di I forgot love

Renzo Furlano

The lyrics of the top 3 Section B - Poetry on any subject

1st Place

As a psalm of ancient sound

(August 5, 2010)

darkens the heart of the bay, as

girl, exhausted from play

prepares to rest.

dawn farewell to the sky data,

whispered to the rushing tide,

s'allentano dreams ...

and the night turns to poetry,

in the whispering of the stars will re

we hear the singing of the silent moon.

is a theater, this scene

gave eager eye of God,

there is prayer in the breeze,

your voice breathes forgiveness ...

So sweet is the dawn of the evening ...

Roberto Gennaro

2nd Place

The clouds are bridge

The clouds are bridge

in the background and the pink of the sunset and a castle gray

seem to do.

And the clouds around

speak of peace,

the water can flow, flow on the bridge


undisturbed without confrontation.

Lightness in mobile

wander 's illusions

as true.

passing. Maria Grazia


3rd Place



away geode in the pictographic


was last species.

the trembling of the earth


breath fast

would never return.

Unaware flight

a thrill

infinite spaces

returned to the deep nature.

kaleidoscopic reflection of light beam was lost

now corolla.

In that paradise lost forever

crystals were

is now a life meaning.

Carlo Rocco

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

10 Steps On How To Masterbate As A Man

interactive experiment n 9. Halloween Pumpkin

I could not miss this experiment of cuochine of alf
All together for a saucer of Halloween not bad. I wanted to try to time the pumpkin ravioli, I must be honest never eaten.
Beeeeee! what to say, very successful experiment, tortelli sguisiti addition to cooking I enjoyed
Thanks girls with you I spent a fantastic Sunday

These are the pumpkins in my garden, the youngest was sagrifigata for this delicious main dish

A you my pastry , two stuffed in the bowl filled with the heavenly macaroons

balls of filling on the pastry ready

Browse doubled

cut of my first-tortello ravioli

Here they are ready, they have come around 100

Since the sauce was a delight, could not miss the nuts of my land

For the filling: 1 kg pumpkin

130 gr parmesan or grated Parmesan cheese 1 egg

salt, pepper, nutmeg.
50 g amaretti (optional)

For the dough: 3 eggs a shell of water
mix the flour with the eggs and water, knead until dough is smooth.
let rest 10-15 minutes covered with foil.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin or use grandma duck.

For my sauce: About 100 grams of butter, 4 beautiful leaves of sage, hazelnut flour, salt, pepper, grated parmesan

For the filling: Cook the pumpkin pieces in the oven for one hour at 150 degrees. ( I step in the microwave). Allow to cool mash thoroughly with a fork. As advised by our Dauly, put the pulp into a colander to lose any watery, leaving it in the fridge for a whole night. The next morning take it back, mix the pumpkin with the egg, salt, pepper and grated Parmesan. If you wish, even the macaroons. I made a bit of batter with one egg and parmesan cheese, I put more pepper in the middle I put 25 grams of macaroons
I gave the form of ravioli, as was the lunch I had to speed up to 7 people.
While the dumplings cooked in boiling salted water, I put a pot on the stove paste very large jumps, I melted the butter with the sage, when ready I added salt, pepper and a tablespoon of hazelnut flour, I drained ravioli I paid them and I turned in the pan very lightly with a wooden spoon, and serve Serve with a nice jack parmesan

Friday, October 22, 2010

Gdzie Znalesc Maina Do Se

I welcome welcomes this relay race, the 8 questions to get to know better than
a shot in all his blog readers idel

1 when you were asked by children what you wanted to do something big answer?
I have always said the secretary, was the role of a woman fascinated me. But even if I
freguentato the educational establishment I found myself doing a full-time mom, then a member of a service station
now full-time homemaker, so I have plenty of time to devote to my work and experiments in the kitchen

2 What were your favorite cartoons?

not I remember the cartoons, but kids' movie because when i brought my tv in the house was already hailing
zorro I saw, I liked the magazine a lot of Gian Gale

3 What were your favorite games?
Ah Ah, plays the woman, the great Facem young mothers and little ones.
What beautiful memories, with three younger siblings my family was full even when playing
beat the wall (the buttons are pulling roofs lean against the wall, the player who came closest to the start button) then the four corners, hide and seek

4 which was the most beautiful your birthday?
Well my 18 years ..................
For the first time for dinner at a pizzeria with all my friends ....

5 what are the things I absolutely wanted to do and you have not already done?
make a nice trip around the world. Write a book of poems

6 What was your first sporting passion or not?
I played football in my country women scuadra

7 what is your first musical idol?
Gianni Morandi

8 which was the best thing sought to Santa, Baby Jesus, Saint Lucia?
a doll that I wanted to say so, even if the most beautiful gift I received last year
around the relay to all of you my blog friends

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Does Wic Give Formula

Scarf with Ruffles yarn (mesh tape)

And here's the latest fashion jersey this year
delicious mesh tape or frills, ideal for making hot scarves, soft as clouds.
A sample of the work

This is one of two scarves I realized, beautiful purple color.

Very soft, fluffy, warm, can be found in various colors, beautiful shaded black yarn which will fulfill mine.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gryffindor Scarf Toronto

Baba interactive Experiment 8

And here's another adorable forumine of alf of the experiment, all together we did the Baba
The recipe is the mother of our cuochina Lu

http://http// piccolemagieincucina.blogspot. 20com/2009/12/baba.html%

The recipe is as follows:

220 g flour 12 g fresh yeast 2 eggs and 1 egg yolk

50 g butter 30 g sugar

1pizzico salt

1) prepare lievitino using 2 tablespoons of warm water, yeast, a tablespoon of flour and a spoon full of sugar total, mix, cover with plastic and wait until it is completely frothy. (Photo 1)

Photo 2, lievitino put in bowl with remaining ingredients and work my recipe calls for the dough hook with whips, I like the hand-mixed with Lu.

Photo 3, the dough is ready when it comes away from sides of the bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise.

Photo 4, the 'dough after about 2 hours of levitation.

Now turn on the table, make the folds of those two types of rounding and train our baba.

Photo 1) I cut the pieces of paste 50 gr round with the palm of his hand and poured into well buttered tins buttered

Photo 2) let rise covered with plastic, just the dough to 1 cm from the edge to remove the film, as recommended by Adriano grown until the dome was formed outside the mold

baba Cook in a preheated oven at 180-200

Photo 3) fresh from the oven, let cool a few minutes, remove from the molds

Photo 4) here they all head down after a bath in the syrup, prepared in advance and warmed:

rum 120 grams of 350 grams to 200 grams of sugar water

lemon zest

As recommended by the Adriano we ate them next day, accompanied by a coffee

This is the inside, as you can see much honeycombed and spongy.

Delicious, thanks to Lu's mother learned a new recipe, in good company

Thanks girls for the next

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Free Eye Exam Fort Worth

Meet Me at the River

Oil on canvas cm.65x95
finished in the first half of September, but painted a picture of years ago, that does not convince nor who looked at him, nor me.
The original intention was to represent a beautiful African lady in her moment of playful relaxation, according to images that I raised Miriam Makeba, when singing, dancing, or when he told his songs, one of which I used here title. The figure dominates the picture, but the narrow cut should not destroy the environment with sun, water and wind, playing on the big sheet, I wanted more color loads, presence of black, black, drawing a lively and noisy, but I are found to mediate, not to crush the dark complexion. I'm not saying it was not possible, I say that I did not succeed.
The figure would been more in the flesh, but if you're not Rembrandt or Botero, it is difficult to accept overweight figures. Difficult, not impossible, and I'm not perfect, what's more I can not afford not models posing for a photo, and rarely the photos, although very well done, commerce, have the pose that I need, so the ' image is "reconstructed" on memories of school, with the help of anatomical tables, photographs, drawings and especially works of those artists who have skillfully dealt with the human figure, with particular attention to the female gender.
In conclusion, I believe I have produced a valuable work, all criticism as the work: the colors blend, the division and direction dela brushwork evokes the dance musical that tried, in fact I think someone will have pleasure to hang this picture on the wall, even without the said mine or the sky would, to some critics.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Purple Red Spots Inner Thigh

The kitten red

I have not painted much lately, two hours per day plus 6:00 to 8:00 on Saturday and the concentration is little affected. On the other hand, I can take time to work with oil pastel, which, besides giving a good substitute for paint, you can develop as an autonomous, being able to work faster, without the tedious wait for drying.
I also believe that take the bar oil, which are more material, for now I'm using a white that is very useful. In this work, for example, the dense layer of white has helped me work on the drapery and in part on the Incarnation, also left the field of Oil and dense bar is very opaque and it works beautifully for shine and highlights.
I worked on a cartoon drawing Fabriano smooth for school cm. 50x70, copying from a photo on a women's magazine advertising, enlivened by the addition of cat and changing the look.

Monday, June 28, 2010

What Happens In Stomach

Susanna Susanna and the sheet floral

For my kind of painting, oil pastel can be used to quickly make an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat could be a painting. Its dense material allows for color charges, overlapping with razor blade or scalpel and scraping, you can fade a shade inside the other, resulting in a texture reminiscent of the pointillist technique. No wonder that he could create his Zandomeneghi soft softness, embodied the vibrant, with a medium so basic. This confirms once more that the author is the artistic quality that determines the value of the work, not market value, mind you, that is self-regulated by canons, which often take into account any artistic value. Please avoid the merits, although in practical life, like everyone else, it subisco conditioning.
study concluded that the pastel is a simple and generous, as well as pleasant immediate results, offers an interesting view on color management, it is possible to approach without any expectations and drying without having to raise the issue of compatibility of the pigments in order to afford an infinite number of variations, thoughts and corrections.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Programs For Pregnant Women

Reflections after the disaster

The beautiful Renaissance terracotta, brutalized by the earthquake in order to repair but significant limbs , surrounded by fire brigades, recalls an altarpiece, evoked also titled: "Pala and Reunification." I did not know the author of the statue, Saturnino Gatti, and to inform andandomene, I found that originally it was a polychrome terracotta, which confused the color of the sensitivity of the model, which does not hesitate to call taste Botticelli. I would have liked to draw live, revive the glory days of my years in the Brera, but I had accontententarmi a good photo.
The idea of \u200b\u200badding the group of fighters came to me for having seen them in the photo in question, taken in the field, and dial it had made over the centuries as groups of angels and saints was natural, as was natural to use background apse a dilapidated rifacentesi remotely Pala Montefeltro Piero. While working on the rubble at the foot of the composition, I was thinking about the cover of an album by Frank Zappa, "Where We Only in It for the Money", where, parodying the Beatles' Sgt Pepper, the Mothers rest on a landfill site considerable amount of food waste, and I feel that there is some link, although very remote and totally inadvertent on my part, or rather, the conscious part of me. Moreover, I have repeatedly argued that a kind of possession guides the work of the artist, in a state of mind which produces the only Charlie Parker, as the poems of Cecco Angiolieri.
Returning to the framework, the excuse to paint the beautiful Lady, is a reminder for disaster, and a tribute to the firefighters, for whom I have sympathy, knowing that intervene efficiently and without fanfare, as witnessed by the survivors themselves Aquila. The severed hands that can not either to pray or bless, denounced the inefficiency of the government, which is wasted in the person of Maximo Leader in high-sounding promises of reconstruction, largely unfulfilled.
But in the short term, Haiti was hit by a stronger quake that devastated island further
already full of humanity without hope. The painting was not finished, and it became obvious to dedicate my modest sign of disasters in general, those who lead assistance where needed, taking the Fire as a symbol of unarmed army that fights against suffering.
I am aware of the risks involved in using symbols and rhetorical tone of celebration, but I think it can provide a framework for thought about dramatic events, which is just not forget, just as you do not forget that painting is, what I'm doing.
In recent days, today is December 3, they're coming terrifying news of a cholera epidemic in the island of Haiti, with reports of hellish images of a tragedy made even more tragic senseless superstition, with suspected plague spreaders made literally in pieces, while adults and children, especially children, fall decimated by a nasty disease which they say could be eradicated with clean water, perhaps with a little 'healthy food. Any discussion
risk banality, and no images apocalattica ptrebbe be painted memento of this and all other misfortunes which assail humanity, the weaker party, while the well-fed should give very little to solve : I understand that there are plants that desalinate sea water, we send men and equipment, expensive means, to bring the massacres to defend ourselves, they say, from further bloodshed, and only handful of good people come to the aid that they can, when a massive operation, coordinated by skilled strategists that each nation "civil" develops, could in a short time, and spending less than it costs the most stupid of wars attualmrnte in progress, stop this hopeless war that humanity continues to lose, often without to fight.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mcdonalds Application Brampton

Latest works

was a bit I had in mind to make me a bag of yarn crochet
I am put to work and after a few days I did
This is my bag over What do you
seems ?

Detail of flower

A small bag Chiara

the bottom of a drawer lay long pink cotton.
I took it and I made this little bag for a sweet girl named Chiara

This is the staple of Alexander who had a beautiful baby to be born quickly

Robosapien Remote Con
