Monday, November 29, 2010

The Santa Maria Shiplabeled


list of finalists and winners of section B

Poems on love

1. Maria Pia Romano "The fishermen of the time in between"

2. Luigi Channel "Song of Joy"

3. Renzo Furlano "slight veils"

  1. Maria Pia Romano "Silence liquid"
  2. Maria Pia Romano "Love under the fingernails"
  3. Luigi Channel "angle of a soul"
  4. Alberto Cocco "Pages"
  5. Francesco Savino E. Profiti "The value of time"
  6. Alberto Cocco "Another Eden"
  7. Rosanna Gabellone - Putignano (Ba) "Your pain quiet "
  8. Mario Cacciani - Ancona" The ol '
  9. Calogero Gueli - Campobello di Licata (Agrigento), "Where are those enchanted hours"
  10. Tiziana Monari - Prato "The white light "
  11. Chantal Mazzacco - Trigesimo (Udine)" Sighs "
  12. Roberta Mari - Sorano (GR)" The Golden vague "
  13. Sabrina Bordone - Genoa Di race "
  14. Mario Cacciani - Ancona "Without Limits"
  15. Rosa Maria Angel - Vignale Monferrato (Alessandria) "Libero"
  16. Gwendolyn Casasole - Recanati (MC) "De viris illustribus "
  17. Santino Scarcella - Letoianni (Me)" Eleanor "
  18. Christian Bartolini - Ascoli Piceno" Part of me "

People finalists and section B winners

Poems on any subject

1. Roberto Gennaro - Genoa As a psalm of ancient sound "

2. Alice Maria-Grazia Ribecco d'Oglio (Cr) "The clouds are bridged

3. Rocco Luigi Carlo - Bisceglie (Ba) "The petal and geode"

  1. Rocco Luigi Carlo - Bisceglie (Ba) "Illusions of stone"
  2. Massimo Massa Vito - Bari "Colors of Time"
  3. Citizen Anna Laura - Rende (Cs) "September"
  4. Rinallo Rosa Maria - Canicattì (Ag) "Mother of Sorrow"
  5. Alice Maria-Grazia Ribecco d'Oglio (Cr) "fugitive Moon"
  6. Roberto Gennaro - Genoa "Shades of Black 'love'
  7. Miriam De Michele - Portici (Na) "The Idea"
  8. Tavcar John - Trieste "Birth eternal
  9. Maria Pia Romano - San Cesario di Lecce" Clown "
  10. Rosanna Gabellone - Putignano (Ba) "Alytia"
  11. Ladik Donato - Torino "Who knows when!"
  12. Maria Hinton - Scicli (Rg) "predicts"
  13. Rosanna Gabellone - Putignano (Ba) "Beyond the door"
  14. Forlenza Rita - Bari "Photographs"
  15. Fiore Raffaele - Ruvo di Puglia (Ba) "How in distant seas"
  16. Manage Marco - Roma "Cry Africa" \u200b\u200b
  17. Vozza Federica - Parma "Two chips"
  18. MacID Gabriella Maddalena - Malo (Vi) "Evening umbra"

The lyrics of the first 3 Classified Section A - Poetry about love

1st Place


was not the time to watch the moon

when stranded in a case with the look

you touched cuttings of light glimpsed

the gates of a walled shore

houses south-east of the bay were sweating

sanded through passive listening

time half

melted crumbled over the relics of summer

with their lips to the armored incursions

and eyes closed crescent in ampulla

we escaped from the level of closeness

too close to the skin of September

fishermen mirages

waiting dense vapor to become flesh

have sharp words

yet we remained with nets in hand


the junction of salt

to pray the rosary unsaid

Maria Pia Romano

2nd Place


was in bud only yesterday

in these, which are now crumbling bones,

as a child coming from the sea with waves at the foot

and his voice carried me away.


singing a happy time with me today,

soul, this love.

Luigi Channel

3rd Place

slight veils

slight veil veils the moon

discolor the seasons of love

Fragile crushed shells

lie bare wave of misery

Wings infinite

Walked into 'dense air of disappointment

Nothing more can the moon

that is reflected in the well dried

is the room lit

different light

Wonder noise

of a rose petal falling

The surprise of a soap bubble

fading between the fingers

the flavor is found

your kiss

What I

Di I forgot love

Renzo Furlano

The lyrics of the top 3 Section B - Poetry on any subject

1st Place

As a psalm of ancient sound

(August 5, 2010)

darkens the heart of the bay, as

girl, exhausted from play

prepares to rest.

dawn farewell to the sky data,

whispered to the rushing tide,

s'allentano dreams ...

and the night turns to poetry,

in the whispering of the stars will re

we hear the singing of the silent moon.

is a theater, this scene

gave eager eye of God,

there is prayer in the breeze,

your voice breathes forgiveness ...

So sweet is the dawn of the evening ...

Roberto Gennaro

2nd Place

The clouds are bridge

The clouds are bridge

in the background and the pink of the sunset and a castle gray

seem to do.

And the clouds around

speak of peace,

the water can flow, flow on the bridge


undisturbed without confrontation.

Lightness in mobile

wander 's illusions

as true.

passing. Maria Grazia


3rd Place



away geode in the pictographic


was last species.

the trembling of the earth


breath fast

would never return.

Unaware flight

a thrill

infinite spaces

returned to the deep nature.

kaleidoscopic reflection of light beam was lost

now corolla.

In that paradise lost forever

crystals were

is now a life meaning.

Carlo Rocco

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

10 Steps On How To Masterbate As A Man

interactive experiment n 9. Halloween Pumpkin

I could not miss this experiment of cuochine of alf
All together for a saucer of Halloween not bad. I wanted to try to time the pumpkin ravioli, I must be honest never eaten.
Beeeeee! what to say, very successful experiment, tortelli sguisiti addition to cooking I enjoyed
Thanks girls with you I spent a fantastic Sunday

These are the pumpkins in my garden, the youngest was sagrifigata for this delicious main dish

A you my pastry , two stuffed in the bowl filled with the heavenly macaroons

balls of filling on the pastry ready

Browse doubled

cut of my first-tortello ravioli

Here they are ready, they have come around 100

Since the sauce was a delight, could not miss the nuts of my land

For the filling: 1 kg pumpkin

130 gr parmesan or grated Parmesan cheese 1 egg

salt, pepper, nutmeg.
50 g amaretti (optional)

For the dough: 3 eggs a shell of water
mix the flour with the eggs and water, knead until dough is smooth.
let rest 10-15 minutes covered with foil.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin or use grandma duck.

For my sauce: About 100 grams of butter, 4 beautiful leaves of sage, hazelnut flour, salt, pepper, grated parmesan

For the filling: Cook the pumpkin pieces in the oven for one hour at 150 degrees. ( I step in the microwave). Allow to cool mash thoroughly with a fork. As advised by our Dauly, put the pulp into a colander to lose any watery, leaving it in the fridge for a whole night. The next morning take it back, mix the pumpkin with the egg, salt, pepper and grated Parmesan. If you wish, even the macaroons. I made a bit of batter with one egg and parmesan cheese, I put more pepper in the middle I put 25 grams of macaroons
I gave the form of ravioli, as was the lunch I had to speed up to 7 people.
While the dumplings cooked in boiling salted water, I put a pot on the stove paste very large jumps, I melted the butter with the sage, when ready I added salt, pepper and a tablespoon of hazelnut flour, I drained ravioli I paid them and I turned in the pan very lightly with a wooden spoon, and serve Serve with a nice jack parmesan