Monday, September 29, 2008

Were Can I Find Coffee Patron Biggest Bottle ?

"Some of the things I've learned in life" by Paolo Coelho

E 'Paolo Coelho's amazing how being able to identify the multiplicity of human and make you understand things that deep down, you knew .. just think ...

-that no matter how good a person, any time you hurt.
And for this, you must forgive her.

- What it takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it.

- What we do not have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

- That the circumstances and the environment have influence on us, but we are responsible for ourselves.

- that either you control your acts, or they will control you.

- I've learned that heroes are people who have done what needed to be done, face the consequences.

- that patience requires a lot of practice.

- That there are people who love us, but simply do not know how to prove it.

- That sometimes the person you think you will launch the deadly blow when you fall, it is instead one of the few that will help you get up.

- that just because someone does not love you the way you want, does not mean they do not love you with all of yourself.

- What you should never tell a child that dreams are nonsense: it would be a tragedy if he believed.

- which is not always enough to be forgiven by someone. In most cases, is you have to forgive yourself.

- That no matter how many pieces your heart is broken, the world does not stop, waiting for you to fix it.

- Maybe God wants us to meet some 'to wrong people before meeting the right one, so when we finally meet, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

- When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see what has been opened for us.

- The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never saying a word, and then walk away feeling that it is as if it was the best conversation you've ever had.

- It 's true that we do not know what we have until we lose, but it is also true that we do not know what we've been missing until it arrives.

- It only takes a minute to offend someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love, but it takes a lifetime to forget.

- Do not go for looks can be deceiving.

- Do not go for wealth even that fades away.

- Find someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make it look brilliant a bad day.

- Find what makes your heart smile.

- There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!

- Dream what you want to, go wherever you want, be what you want to be, because you only have one life and one chance to do the things you want to do.

- you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

- Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel tight, they probably feel this way.

- The happiest of people do not necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything that comes along their way.

- The best future is based on a forgotten past, you can not go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

- When you're born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.

-Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying. "

Addictinggames Com Bloons

.. University .. start again! ..

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dual Form Nail System

Impanicato panic! Ingrid Betancourt

... reset salivation, breath away, and cut off Tremulant words, often without meaning ..
seems the description of a corpse dyslexic illiterate .. in reality this was me today physiology exam ..
If during the examination of Anatomy and Histology fear was felt, this time it's the panic that came on the scene .. and in all its anxiolytic power ...
Was it the fact that the examination was important enough to scare ..
because it threatens to throw the pigs a year of sacrifice, stress and many, many efforts .. It must have been
what has been, the fact is that I'm stuck .. and I almost literally ...
I thank from the depths of the Eleanor, at the time of my tragic / pathetic desperation has been able to find the right words to make me return and make a good figure with the other teacher ..
End result: passed the test, but I was shocked by the panic that came over me .. Hope
future: the next time maybe I can anticipate and deal with the panic time!

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Perfect Man- Blog

"Peace is a sensitive soul, must be cultivated and grown up with this and other [...]" thousands of phrases that call to freedom, nonviolence, forgiveness, home, love and solidarity, Ingrid Betancourt, a strong and courageous woman who has received 3 September from Florence, as well as honorary citizenship and the lily of gold, the nomination for the Nobel prize for peace.
I like to quote the words of journalist Unit, Maurizio Chierici for this event:

" When a city grant honorary citizenship to a person born elsewhere, he does recognize this person under civil commitment and the same courage and the worldview that accompany the city's history. Florence is perhaps the first to have had a mayor ambassador of peace. It was 1955, years cold, Europe cut off by barbed wire when Giorgio La Pira collects in this building and the mayors of Moscow Washington, Paris and London, Bombay and Karachi, Jerusalem, Budapest and Vienna. 34 before the citizens of countries divided by ideas that seem irreconcilable and religions which exacerbate radicalism. Yet they found themselves to dialogue, to seek a friendship that seemed utopian. In this spirit, Florence chose to have a town like Ingrid Betancourt for civil commitment and courage at that moment the condemned to a painful captivity. When this City Council has given concrete admiration for the dramatic testimony of Ingrid Betancourt, was March 22, 2004, two years in prison and only one message to say: I'm alive. Then she has never heard, silence long four years. Chained for Ceredo in reason while the protagonists of the violence were using pain as a bargaining chip or political consolidation. Reappears in poignant image. And in the letter a few months ago out of the forest made it clear that it did not give up. His dream continued. Now
Ingrid Betancourt is back and is starting to live with the faith that has kept in solitude, is back with the desire to restore dignity to every human being forced exclusion that selfishness of power and expand the business everywhere. And do not stop.
Young people are right when they complain to the fathers who survived the years of prosperity. The lack of innocence - in ambition, carelessness, laziness, suspicious reports with the new world that grows around us. They do not understand, we we're intimidated. Our eyes are too accustomed to our life to understand life degl'altri, near and far. Ingrid's letter from prison green brings together generations in a message of hope.
His biography is different from the life of the crowds that always continues to defend. His father was minister of education and then ambassador to UNESCO. Mother senator and a nice house in Paris. The old and young friends attended the forced separation from governments that loved them. Names are not important yet: Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Botero of fat women. Ingrid listened to the stories sitting at the piano. In diplomatic circles sticking Pablo Neruda. One day Ingrid girl confesses to write poems. And every time you looked at home Neruda Betancourt, looking with the eyes: "Where is my colleague?" . Then universities in Paris with the teachers who did experience the anxiety of a different culture. Good culture that has given her courage.
She married and became French, but returned to Colombia to animate a "decent policy" after the assassination of Falana who was presidential candidate Ingrid with social commitment that has taken over and expanded. Almost angrily. Many Colombians have now embraced. In '98 it was the most voted candidate in the country. Collects the return and fight with many risks in a book "The Rage au Coeur". In the country
2002 Presidential presents his party: Oxygen, clean air to defend the nature above all, clean air against corruption and the complicity of narcos-political-paramilitary asphyxiation defenseless crowds.
must say that there is another Colombia, does not resemble the country that appears in newspapers. Bogota is not only the city of coca and kidnappings. In desperation seek remedy intellectuals, politicians and a middle class that is not resigned to measure the life only in money. And 'the face of a lesser-known capital who can be refined: coffee "tertullas, such as chat in the cafes of Italy that is no more; cafe where the patrons come with poems read by friends who devoutly hear in his pocket and drop by reciting verses afterwards. Here is Ingrid Betancourt, now in Florence to pick up a citizenry that four years ago it was hard to imagine it could be celebrated.
Also in Florence, also in Tuscany, the region is to establish the Committee that supports the candidacy for the Nobel prize. After the horrific images of prisoner Ingrid, many had expected the important voices of Latin America suggests Betancourt for the Nobel Peace. One way to save her life by calling attention to her and forget about the hostages. Only Yolanda, her mother, Astrid, sister, Melanie and Lorenzo, sons, municipalities that want the town, some friends, some cities will not turn off impagnavano memory. Transforming the memory of family and non-coordinated groups, in memory of all, to give shape to the universal regret hope.
Two other women who look like they lived in the courage and continue to sopporatare the pain of exclusion: Aung San Sun and Rigoberta Menchu, Guatemala and Myanmar; dogmatic communism and rampant capitalism. The thread that united was the military arrogance. That Nobel Peace Prize has redeemed them from marginalization even more painful the sacrifices that continue to endure. But they are alive and not give up. And they talk to people.
Ingrid could also wanted to talk to people.
was just the idea of \u200b\u200ba journalist for a newspaper is not big but a great tradition, the Italian newspaper, almost a universal angle information. Yet it seemed like a magic word.
around the unit have gathered thousands of people, entire universities, but also Italian Stanford, California and Massachusetts University and then Rita Levi Montalcini, Michele Bachelet (president of Chile), Minister Frattini, Dario For, Riccardi and the Community Sant'Egidio, Jodie Williams (Nobel Peace 97), Yael Dayan, Predrac Matvejevic, Zubil Meta, Tullia Zevi and Latin writers such as Antonio Skármeta indigenous and trade unionists who write from the Amazon. Thousands of signatures overwhelm the editors. I remember only a
In letters. Humberto Ak'Abal, poet Maya of Guatemala, was able somehow the application the Nobel Prize. His poems were translated by Martha Canfield Editions Letters, publisher Florentine. Humberto had come to Florence to meet Mario Luzi: public embrace of great emotion.
"Do not forget my name among those who support Ingrid," is his appeal. "I am convinced he is entitled to the Nobel. Our America for many years is wounded dignity. How much pain, how much suffering, how many people gave blood to seek new horizons. How many people gagged to silence . Ingrid Betancourt is a victims, a symbol of the victims.'m next to her screaming the word "peace." For
Ingrid is not just a word: the victim's testimony without rancor are buried in the determination to prevent suffering as his continuing in the tropics that impriogionano people without rights. Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia, Burma and who knows how many Africas forgotten. It will be an ambassador of peace with the trust and admiration of all sides. He lived in torment for trying to bring the region where hatred has set in denial entrusted to the armed conflict. And came back ready to start again. Florence should be proud of as a Florentine. "