Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where To Donate Prom Dresses In Indiana

Re-training .. We all apologize

Let me greetings from tomorrow because the SOD (pre-) will occupy my life for a month or so good .. and while I hope to get the most from such an experience, there will be exams, this vintage decisive to define positive ..
A battle on two fronts ..
the bookmers are not optimistic ..
(until step Anatomy and Histology I miss ..)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Can Herpes Get In Your Nose

Carry a reflection of Don Ciotti, sent to me by Shaam, on security. All find a scapegoat in the other, humbly, in the margins and giving him will solve the security problem.
(Even a German guy said that to lift Germany from its problems was necessary to remove the Jews ..)
a case .. .. I do not think .. I leave you to reflect

[From the newspaper "L'Unita '" of May 16, 2008.]

Dear lady,
I saw this morning on the front pages of many newspapers, a photograph that shows her. Nestled on a small open, broken-down, a shawl around her head. Behind her, you see two girls, a piu'grande, eyes wide, scared, and the other baby, who has his eyes closed but I imagine her two daughters. Beside her the figure of a man's shoulders: her husband, I presume. In his face, lady, we read an expression of embarrassment mixed with resignation. We are taking away from Ponticelli, east of Naples, where they live and the field 'was set on fire. On the back of that truck in a bad way - to make mattress nets from shore - an inscription: "old crap".

I am writing dear lady, to apologize. I know his people, his stories. Just recently, on the outskirts of Turin, I met one of your community ': how much suffering, but also as a humanist' and dignity 'in their faces.
In our country people are talking about for years now, security. E 'need sacrosanct safety. The need for security there we have it all, and 'cross, belongs to every human being, in every community', to every people. It 's the need to feel respected, protected, loved. The need to live in peace, to meet availability 'and collaboration in our neighbor. This need to protect each community ', even yours, has decided to adopt a series of rules. He established the terms of coexistence
, decided that it was lawful to do and what was not lawful, 'cause harm to this common good in which everyone could identify. Those who transgress the rules were punished, sometimes with the loss of freedom '. But even that punishment, the worst for a man - being freedom 'more good' precious, and you well know by nomadic people - was intended to reintegrate into the community ', to take back. The sign of civilization 'and' also that of a justice that punishes the offender, not for revenge but to accompany him through the sentence, a change to a growth in awareness.

a long time this concept of Security is crumbling. Is crumbling in the face of people's fears. Fears caused economic insecurity - which affects a growing number of people - and by the presence in our cities' faces and stories of economic insecurity are already living the 'tragically as poverty' and eradication, and they had to leave their countries with the hope of a better life.
I'll try ', dear lady, to explain with a picture. And 'we felt as if everyone on a ship adrift at sea, and knowing that the number of lifeboats and' limited, the risk of sinking helps us to see our neighbor as a competitor, one that could save our place. The reaction and 'then to drive away from the ship are considered' too, too bad if they are almost always the most 'vulnerable. The logic of the scapegoat - is fueled by an irresponsible use of words and images, with information at times ready to foment hatred and fear - how it works'. There is rages about who is below us, about who and 'more' helpless, unable to understand this and that 'a logical suicide that could turn ourselves into victims a day.

live with great concern that state of affairs. The History has taught us that the legitimate prosecution of crime you can 'easily pass if it is not justice and rationality', the criminalization of the people, the existential condition of the idea: Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies, dissidents politicians have tried it on their skin. Again, this is not "justify" the crime, but to have the courage to recognize that those who live on the margins, without opportunity, 'and' more 'inclined to commit crimes than those who do and' integrated. And do not forget those forms of widespread illegality 'that do not raise the same concern in society because' "decriminalized" in the minds of those who practice the result of individualism become impatient with rules and restrictions of any kind. Finally, pay attention to all the interests involved: the fight against crime, when gliding in demagoguery and simplification in some areas may 'find supporters even in members of the crime' was organized, thus distracting 'attention law enforcement and still more 'in their business undisturbed.
but I 'also give you a sign of hope. Believe me, there are many people who every day, in the "social" policy, the administration of the city 'is dirty hands. Many groups and associations who through hard work and determination that another attempt to demonstrate safety and 'possible. That where reception is built, where people feel recognized, for this 'want to assume the same duties and responsibilities', they want to participate as citizens in the municipality.

The legality ', which' required, must be based on proximity 'and social justice. Asking others to comply with a law without first putting them in a position to become citizens, and 'make fun of others and ourselves. And the fan connection to establish a "crime of illegal immigration" was born from this mix of cynicism and hypocrisy: instead of limiting illegal immigration 'increase it', thereby increasing suffering, a tendency to crime, fear.
last thing I want to tell you, dear lady. I hope that this photo that shows her together with your loved ones can shake just a little 'our consciences. Serve a look inside and ask ourselves if this indeed be 'the direction in which we want to go. Stimulate feelings of care, concern, empathy, that many Italians, believe me - even after they were children and grandchildren of migrants - Continue to feed. The
embrace, wherever you are at this moment, with her husband and her children. And let me tell you that I do on behalf of the many who believe and are committed to a more 'fair and more' human.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why Is Scott The Strongest Paper Towel

Viva Zapatero

was so long in my head to see him, to be honest for years I had said: "From now I'll look .."...
Then time passes and forget .. end in an afternoon anonymous brings out a great film "Viva Zapatero" .. I had heard a lot of good, but not many ..
It 's a great film, even a great film about freedom of expression enshrined in our Constitution (which unfortunately seems to be becoming more Volume a large dusty and useless) ..
The events that succeeded long ago against Sabina Guzzanti, Biagi (honor and remembrance for the great journalist), Santoro, Luttazzi, Tagliafico, Rossi importance that have .... tsk tsk
What do you want to give a damn if we Italians made a stupid ranking by Freedom House (un'osservatorio of dubious international importance) are placed at 77th place, such as freedom of expression, behind Botswana and Fiji Islands ...
What a shame!
Oh wait, however, Mongolia is beneath us! Yay at least there is someone worse than us .. so we like to do so .. when something goes ill say, "Oh well, better than the unfortunate ..."
From the movie made me feel particularly a speech by Furio Colombo .. This guy has discovered in his father's library a collection of newspapers Corriere della Sera (rag unimportant in Italy comparable to TV smiles and songs) and there flipping through day after day it was noticed how fascism is born .. as more and more , was imposed by force and by threats .. and with the false illusion that democracy was still there ..
any reference to persons or property Republics existence is purely coincidental .. Today the tax is manifested in other ways but there .. and clearly violates our eyes glued to the TV .. make you understand that you can do what you want but ... Be careful of what you do .. because it can go in your career, your future, places that you may or may not have .. and in the meantime you feel dissatisfied because you see so many people rewarded, you feel very marginalized ..
and then choose .. to be on the safe side .. But Italian
you so you feel comfortable because somewhere there is someone who thinks you can think and blissfully at your stuff ..
such thing will never change the voice of a person .. to what it can say no, make their voices heard, much less protest (in all its forms) ..
So it is useless, as long as we continue to accept conspiratorial silence .. with this behavior (like) mafia .. things can not change ..
... and then .. Viva Zapatero !!!!!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Temperature Sensor Body Temperature

Just Mafia!
On this site we try to help Roberto Saviano in his battle.
In a letter to the President of the Republic
there is all the will to change,
to say stop this mindset Mafia
to help a great man and

to make him feel the support of all true Italian citizens
Roberto we are with you

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sasusaku Highschool Fanfiction Love

Nice play from the site of the Republic

Dawn Of Pokemon Pregnant

Thanks because

I thank you because you were close before

to be my man and why you want a friend

not a shield next to you ..
graces that go your way
full of stones like mine ..
thanks for even reach out and find out your ..
I live like you confused pink fairy tales ...
not ask more. Thank you for

you made me feel that I can fly without you I
rest in your eyes I see with your eyes more
thanks so far
also reach out and find your
with you every time and 'the first time I'm not afraid
near you. Thank you for

we are not alone because we are not alone thanks

still not afraid to live alone with you thanks because

oh oh oh oh too far ...
reach out and find your tent out and you're there ...

Friday, May 9, 2008

What Does A Goider Look Like

May 9, 1978 .. 30 years ..

" There is a scene from the movie that explains everything. My brother who fights with my father, I run after him to calm him down and he leads me, step by step, to the house of Tano Badalamenti. The distance is in fact only a hundred paces. Still, he says Pepper in the film, the few meters separating two opposing worlds: that of honest people, workers, and one of the murderers and abusers. Well, this may be the metaphor of the story of my brother: you can live in the same microcosm, even under the same roof, as happened between Peppino and my father, and be light-years away. At the same time, the space of just a hundred yards makes you realize how tenuous the boundaries of the choice between good and evil .

Giovanni Impastato

is what you've done something extraordinary, someone calls him courage

the other caller
madness I call it love for the dignity

and rights of man.

courage of these crowds every day we have an extreme need

and is the force that drives us every day

to reject the "stench of moral compromise" .. Thanks

Marco Del Pezzo

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Skin Peeling Off Scrotom

Mission 7

.. and there's also Google Maps! And waiting to process the post on "Icarus", here is the link