Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How Many Calories In A Bag Of Popcorn Orville


to know and appreciate your business, your product in a territory with high potential for tourism and culture as that of the Province of Chieti and the Sangro Aventino is a difficult, if the subject is proposed that these objectives are not able to impress from the other party emotionally.

Giving form and content to the idea of \u200b\u200ba product is the key to success, the right way to succeed and be appreciated.

L 'Aventino Production was established in 2001 by a group of tour operators and cultural experiences and stories behind ten and Val Aventine in their DNA.

An area that wishes to confirm its potential need to address the problem of " not age, to adjust that style in the world that walks.
Professionalism, efficiency and above all know-how are the characteristics that have allowed this team to produce a series of achievements in the field of cultural events and services.

During these years Aventine Production confirmed certain skills through the organization of Awning of Culture and Performing Arts in Gessopalena, the organization 's Aventino Blues Festival (seven times), the production of the film documentary Aventino Blues Explotion submitted to the critical and institutions proving a huge success, Tsunami a "cultural bridge" between the Abruzzo and the Balkans, the Baraccone tent show in Gessopalena the Vie del Gusto, food and wine itinerary in search of the culinary traditions of past.

The rapid implementation of these projects in the short time available, along with the overall research content more defined and definitive, while making clear our desire to confirm the action in a trade with a high content of innovation.
This letter is intended to be our little business card, so that the professional and cultural relations between the Aventine and Production Institutions Public and private can find the right form of synergy and collaboration for the future.

Aventine Production is:
  • Planning and organizing cultural events and entertainment;
  • Travel Services, Audiovisual Production
  • ;
  • Creation of spaces for the show;
  • communication and advertising;
  • Organizing ;
  • Press.

President Thomas D'Amelio

Friday, January 18, 2008

Oxnard Ca Surf Report

The early experience of music dating from the middle of Bertoli 60. These are moments that Pierre never forgot, as they represent the first attempts in the art, the beginnings of what would later become a true profession. "I've always loved music, he said, since I was small. But even then I was honored because I like Frank Sinatra, I believe I was the only child of 12-13 years who liked Frank Sinatra."
At one point he began writing songs in dialect and began to take their first concerts with very young boys near Sassuolo. In '73 in the middle of the political stage, he recorded his first 45 laps with Bruno and Bartolo Lollo Zacquini entitled Marcia love / To tell you I love you . The next year, after touring Italy for a long and wide, he sees the light red color of love that was distributed mainly in Germany. Bertoli In 1975 he performed together with Fabrizio de Andrè in Reggio Emilia in an event organized by peace groups. His new album is called Roca blues and contains 12 pieces including 6 in and 6 in Italian dialect including Yet blows. In October '76 the album blows Yet he can sell just 30,000 copies. The album's lyrics are already showing considerable depth especially the song of the same name. To tell you I love you , Evenings of Gallipoli and not win, all tracks associated with strong feelings like love, friendship, desire for freedom and justice. In October '77 Bertoli goes to Milan to record the new album the middle of the river . It 's probably the most hard disk and homogeneous which shows the artist in the arrogance of belonging to the left-wing ideology. The lyrics are real its warnings, explicit political positions supported by exceptional musicians. At the end of '79 comes A hard-nosed with 8 songs that allow the singer to make the quantum leap in terms of trade: his human character, his voice, his anger is tinged with melancholy that we finally have the audience deserve. In 1980, as affected Some moments last contract . The new album marks a turning point for Bertoli gratified to finally get to see his art. Scale the charts thanks to the radio success of Fisherman duet with Fiorella Mannoia. Four years after leaving the window another popular success, which contains large openings on contemporary issues and questions uncomfortable Warsaw, In 2000, Maddalena , The horizon. In December of 1990 created the first masterpiece, musically sharp with words to the right place, the moon rose from the mountain that presented at the Festival of Sanremo in tandem with the Tazenda, it quickly becomes a big success. A year later he goes back to Italy Sanremo with the song of gold. In 1993, the thirteen songs from my years Bertoli close collaboration with Ricordi. This is perhaps the most successful singer-songwriter album.
hundreds of concerts all over Italy. Collaborations with the greatest Italian authors as de Andrè, Guccini , Treves, From , Ligabue etc. .. This is a photograph of Pierangelo Bertoli sadly died in 2001 after a serious illness.
The group that ended the career and with whom he performed in the last eight years of his life consisted of Sandro D'Antonio on bass, Fabrizio Medori acoustic guitar and vocals, Febo Flora on electric guitar and vocals, Vince Irelli on keyboards and vocals and Pierluigi Calderoni , legendary drummer of the Bank of mutual aid. This is the group still, with the collaboration of Thomas D'Amelio the voice is continuing to spread in the hearts of all lovers of music and the memory of the great Pierangelo Bertoli.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How To Write A Bengali Wedding Card

Pierangelo Bertoli Pierangelo Bertoli

  1. Cultural Association Aventine Production & Event Services, based in Gessopalena (Ch), in collaboration with the City of Gessopalena, the Community Montana Middle Sangro Aventino, the Province of Chieti, Regione Abruzzo, the network information centers, organizes the first edition of Pierangelo Bertoli, review the competition reserved exclusively to books of fiction, a short literary and music.
  2. The competition is open only to authors residing in the country aged 14 years.
  3. The themes of the award are: loneliness, alienation, Handicap, Misery.
  4. are allowed to work after the presentation of other reviews noting the fact that he has not received awards or distinctions.
  5. Membership Award is € 30.00 payable to the bank account of Carichieti, a subsidiary of Torricella Peligna (CH) to the following IBAN No. IT66H0605077900CC0670080570, held by Aventine Production & Event Services. Each author should attach a registration form indicating you are, age, address, title, size, duration and year of completion. Contestants must send to the literary section, bound and printed material for the musical CD. The material sent to the selection phase will not be returned. The books of fiction participants are excluded from registration and payment of the prize share of € 30.00. Books can be sent by the publishers into 3 copies to the address art. 7.
  6. Each author assumes personally any liability to third parties about the content of the works presented.
  7. The works, together with the registration form and a photocopy of the payment must be sent to the following address: Aventine Production & Event Services, Largo Charity 6 Gessopalena 66010 (Ch) not later than June 25, 2008. Will the postmark.
  8. All selected works will be presented on days 5 to 6 July 2008 at the Teatro Comunale di Gessopalena. The selection committee will report to Aventine Production & Event Services. The evaluation of the jury, whose members will be announced in the press, are unquestionable. In the early works, both in the literary section that of the musical, the jury will award a prize of € 1500.00 each plus the publication of No. 100 copies of the short and 100 copies of the CD plus travel and accommodation for two people. The jury can also give references to works of particular merit.
  9. Participation in the competition implies acceptance of this Regulation. At the direction of the event has the final decision on controversial cases and on matters not expressly provided.
  10. Information: Aventine Production & Event Services-largoCarità, 6-66010 Gessopalena (Ch) - E-mail: - mobile: 349 3611945 .

What Doctor Should I See For Stools


Award Pierangelo Bertoli "first edition
Gessopalena 5 / 6 July 2008

" Abruzzo retains only a few images, but only parts of these dating from the impossible I can never forget the rain that forced me to Gessopalena the exhibition in a small theater but gremitissimo of people from throughout the region. "
Thus began an interview with the singer of Sassuolo in 1987 to a regional newspaper. Since then, many young people of the country they loved and appreciated so much that follow him everywhere in his concerts and he has returned to Gessopalena three times during his career.
To remember, to pay homage to a character in "inconvenient" for the mass Italian sideboard, our Association has decided to establish an award that will also be a contribution, however, a serious reflection on a world, what the disability, of which often talk about but which must be made concrete actions, deep, if we want more modern.
We want to talk about this world of loneliness, exclusion, disadvantage and we want to describe, tell, tell, sing through this dedicated his award to P. Bertoli, one of the few Italian singers who has spent his life as a "handicapped" to describe the lives of so many "strange" of our Italy.
The Award is divided into two sections of narrative and music. Two juries
the first composed by Arnaldo Colasanti professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, literary critic, Franco Trequadrini professor at the University of L'Aquila and Massimo Pamio writer and critic.
The second, the music, led by Experience Tnt famous singer-songwriter originally from Abruzzo and Paul Falessi group of Bicycle Thieves and musician and songwriter Antonio Santirocco RAI.
The notice expires June 25. The final evening will be held on July 5 and 6 always Gessopalena in Theatre.
The program provides for two evenings of 5 over the awarding of the winner of the music section of the exhibition Mimmo Locasciulli, the Bicycle Thieves known Roman group composed of disabled children and the hard-nosed team that accompanied P. Bertoli in the last years of his career and will do a rundown of his most famous songs.
On July 6, in addition to the awards section of the letter shall be a meeting with the winner, reading pages of the book and a debate on the issue of disability to be attended by among others Michael Caporossi Director of ASL Lanciano-Vasto.
all coordinated by a journalist from RAI.
For more information: Thomas D'Amelio 3493611945 -
Please note that the award was made possible thanks to the partnership of the Province of Chieti and legal aid and assistance of the City of Gessopalena, Mountain Community Middle Sangro Aventino, Regione Abruzzo and ASL Lanciano-Vasto.